Talk:Departments at Free Geek

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Revision as of 19:48, 11 January 2012 by Alamb (talk | contribs)
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All Free Geek employees need an easy way to know who the Department Point People are, as well as the scope of their responsibilities. Here is a first attempt at that.


  • Administrative Services
  • Receiving and Recycling (R&R)
  • Reuse
  • Sales
  • Volunteers, Education and Tech Support (VETS)

Department Point People (DPP)

  • Administrative Services: Richard Seymour
  • R&R: Liane Kocka
  • Reuse: Meredith Blankenship
  • Sales: Tony Chiotti
  • VETS: Paul Munday

DPP Responsibility

  • Program flow w/in the Department
  • Balancing workload for all areas w/in the Department
  • Responding to requests w/in the Department
  • Working closely with other areas that overlap with the Department