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Finished Documentation

Current Documentation

Future Documentation

  • Free Geek Manual

Ones Currently Being Worked On

  • How to upgrade your processor - desktop
  • How to replace a power supply - desktop
  • MB GB size and speed chart

What We Still Need to Work On

  • How to install a wireless card
  • How to upgrade your video - what do you need it for? Gaming, image/video editing, determining if you have PCI, AGP or PCI-E
  • How to replace a power adapter - laptop for sure, maybe monitor too?
  • Difference between switch, router and a hub
  • How to network a windows and ubuntu linux computer
  • How to figure out what kind of computer will meet your needs
  • What program do you recommend for fixing my problem? (a list of non crapware software for finding out system specs, removing viruses, recovering lost files, etc)
  • Linux software equivalent to windows programs
  • Command Line Cheat Sheet

Previous Versions