Build Goals 2011

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Build Program Goals for 2011


  • LCD monitors at different heights on the walls/adjustable LCDs to accommodate different heights and people's varying vision levels.
  • Work with Access and Ability working group on Build job duties, trainings, policies, etc in re: to accessibility of the Build program
  • Better communication with the front desk re: volunteers with specific needs and shift scheduling
  • Making shelves and other supplies easily reachable for people in wheelchairs and people who aren't tall.

Build Room Space and Infrastructure


  • Improve checklist readability
  • Account for different learning styles w/ our documentation and teaching materials.
  • Update wiki pages (Build tips, etc) and having print-outs of them
  • Create educational "Learn More" packets
  • Have a documentation intern to lead these projects



  • We need more high end systems (maybe collaborating with the city of


  • Hardware Grants is doing better than ever, we might need to create a

waiting list for desktops or have shelves that are off-limits for grants. -Leah will look in the database to try to detect trends in outputs and disbursements

  • Jason will be sending a report every month that details how many

systems sold in the store are high ends

  • Have enough computers for volunteers, grants, the store. Perhaps even

setting a numeric goal?

  • In terms of quality of production: better attention to detail, fewer

systems going to Tech Support. (Having Reuse Program Coordinators in Tech Support should encourage this feedback loop but we also want an ctual automatic feedback channel). -Chris will reach out to Paul on this.

  • Reexamining sign-off procedure of printmes. Will the new electronic

sign-off method allow us to discern any patterns in returned boxes? ?Including a checklist of things that have been done to the system?

  • Training checklist for Build instructors is helpful and needs to

continue to be followed, especially the one month check-in

  • Have Build instructor training quarterly, rather than only twice a year
  • LCDs out of Build, optical drive testing in


  • integrating Spanish Build into regular Build shifts
  • integrating Laptops in such a way that it doesn't impede on Desktop

Build's output needs

  • integrating Macs once all Macs are Intels
  • better balance production and education (right now we don't have many

completed systems but there has been a big push to make Build more educational)

Volunteer Experience

  • Better and more educational materials
  • Continue to have instructors present on the floor
  • Introduction from instructors at the beginning of the shift
  • Introduce new volunteers to more seasoned volunteers and situate them nearby
  • More volunteer appreciation
  • (see Accessiblity and Education goals)