Prebuild Instructor Checklist

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Keep In Mind...

  • Most students are here to get through Prebuild so they can move on to Build.
  • Encourage people to teach each other. When testing folks out of one step, usually do this by observing the student showing a newbie how to do the job.
  • Volunteers should be familiar with the goals of each section
  • Volunteers should know how to test out. (by teaching someone else if possible)
    • (Occasionally, there will be students that have learned the job satisfactorily but will not be able to teach someone -- e.g. they don't speak English well enough.)
  • If it gets a little crazy remember our priorities: 1. Safety 2. Data Security 3. Volunteer Education/Production (the relative importance of education vs. production will depend on the volunteers present and the number of systems needing to be processed). If, at the end of a crazy shift, everyone is in one piece and all the hard drives have been destroyed or locked up, you've done alright.

Before Opening

Try to do the most important of these first. If you don't get to them all, don't worry. There will probably be time during your shift to tackle them.

  • Set up | Hardware Identification
    • Clear off work space
    • Set out the lesson books and materials from Box A
    • Check to make sure that there are rulers and pens available
    • Check to make sure that area is not running low on Builder Status sheets. Print more if necessary.
  • Prepare System Evaluation Area
    • Make sure systems are stacked in a safe manner
    • Make sure there are enough systems to sustain a full shift; if you are low on systems, let the front desk know that there should be no walk-ins.
    • Take full card boxes to Advanced Testing and full Build boxes to Build
    • Check the cart
      • Does it need to be sent to the warehouse?
      • Are there parts that haven't been removed?
      • Tally up the systems on cart and take to the warehouse.
    • Clear off unnecessary items from tables and clean with vacuum if necessary
    • Make sure that there are enough stickers out on the tables and in the folders. Print more stickers if necessary.

During The Shift

  • Introduce yourself and let the volunteers know when you are ending your shift (introduce them to the next person, if possible)
  • Check out and in tool boxes, making sure that the boxes have the appropriate tools when leaving returning
  • See if anyone wants to test out; make the appropriate arrangements.
  • Pair newbies with people wanting to test out or with interns, or teach them yourself.
  • Follow what each volunteer is doing to make sure he/she is doing it right
    • Ask frequent questions like "Where are you on the chart?"
  • Check the systems on the cart frequently to see if they have been processed correctly. (Don't wait until the cart is full.)
  • Check the stacks and fix if they are stacked unsafely or incorrectly.
  • Keep a close eye on Hard Drive box; promptly drill what is below spec and lock up what is keep-worthy.
  • Check the cart
    • Does it need to be sent to the warehouse?
    • Are there parts that haven't been removed?
    • Tally up the systems on cart and take to the warehouse.
  • If it gets slow...(try to do these if you can, but if you're too busy it's ok if you don't get to them)
    • Test power supplies
      • Bring dead power supplies to recycling
      • Put good power supplies on the shelf
    • Triage optical drives and bring good ones to Advanced Testing

Middle Shift

  • Restack systems to be the safest
  • Move hard drives into advanced testing for lockup
  • Tools (in the future this may be like recycling setup)
  • Take card boxes from Eval 1 & 2 to Card Sorting
  • If there's time, do some advanced card sorting
  • Coordinate with production when you see a need to change the flowcharts
  • Replace flowcharts if necessary
  • Check the cart
    • Does it need to be sent to the warehouse?
    • Are there parts that haven't been removed?
    • Try to send the cart over before the morning shift leaves, even if it's not full. (This prevents the afternoon folks from having to correct the morning folks' mistakes.)
  • Does anyone want to test out?
    • Are there incoming folks that they can show the ropes? Hook 'em up!
  • Empty the trash & recycling bins

Closing Shift

  • Make sure systems are stacked in a safe manner and in the correct spaces
  • Make sure all hard drives have made it to advanced testing for lockup
  • Turn off hardware in Eval 2
  • Turn off stereo
  • Check tools
  • Move memory into Advanced Testing
  • Check the cart
    • Does it need to be sent to the warehouse?
    • Are there parts that haven't been removed
  • Does anyone want to test out?
  • Remove all debris from recycled systems (stick it in recycled systems on cart, if possible)
  • Make sure Card Sorting and Eval are clean and ready for the next day