Adoption Policy

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Adoption Policy

This policy clarifies which volunteers can earn their free desktop computer at Free Geek. Regardless of what program a volunteer is in, all volunteers can earn one FreekBox per year. The only exception to this rule are volunteers that are volunteering their time for court ordered community service hours.

Each free computer includes these specifications.

  • 2800 – 3200 MHz Processor and/or equivalent
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 60-80 GB harddrive
  • DVD-ROM/CD-RW optical drive
  • onboard or VGA video card
  • onboard or PCI sound card
  • onboard or PCI ethernet card


1. Volunteers in the adoption program can get their first computer after 24 hours of volunteer work. Subsequent computers can be obtained only once per year. Only the hours logged since the most recent computer adopted will count towards any subsequent computer.

2. Volunteers in the build program can receive their first computer after successfully having built five computers. Subsequent computers can be obtained only once per year. Only the computers built since the most recent computer adopted will count towards any subsequent computer. Build hours are the only volunteer hours that do not count towards points for adoption in our database.

Exceptions: If a volunteer in the build program cannot complete the program, but they have volunteered 24 hours. If a build volunteer has completed 24 hours and needs a free computer before finishing the program. In this case, we should still encourage the build volunteer to complete the program and remind them that they are only eligible to earn one free computer per year even when they finish building their sixth computer and complete the program within the year.

How to disburse a free computer to a build volunteer that has not completed the program:

  • Double check their volunteer file to confirm that the volunteer has not received a disbursement in the past year.
  • Write a note in the Notes section of their volunteer file that they will be receiving a computer before they complete the build Program with your initials and date.
  • Please also note if they intend to complete the program (if you know).
  • Sign the volunteer up for a Getting Started Class or direct them toward picking up their computer during Free Geek's regular “Free Computer” hours. A disbursement form will be filled out when they pick up their computer at these times and entered into the database.
  • A build volunteer that does not complete the program will not be able to choose which system they will bring home and must go through the same channels that all other volunteers go through to receive their free computer.

Important things to note: We do not want to encourage build volunteers to adopt a computer before completing the build program. When volunteers sign up for this program, they are agreeing to build six computers with the option to adopt their sixth computer.

If a volunteer is interested in volunteering because they would like to earn a free computer as quickly as possible, it is important to initially steer them towards the adoption program. This program can be completed quickly, and the volunteer can always sign up for the build program once they complete the adoption program. It is always important to remind the volunteer that even though they may complete both programs in one year, that they are only eligible to earn one free computer per year.

3. Volunteers in other areas such as, advanced build, interns (paid and unpaid), education, outreach, and all other areas can get their first computer after 24 hours of volunteer work. Subsequent computers can be obtained only once per year. Only the hours logged since the most recent computer adopted will count towards any subsequent computer.

4. The only volunteers that are not eligible to earn points towards adopting a computer are volunteers that are volunteering their time for court ordered community service hours.

Exceptions: Once a community service volunteer has completed their court ordered hours, they can continue volunteering at Free Geek and begin earning points towards a computer or begin the build program.