Winter/Spring 2012 Inservice Trainings

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The Free Geek board, in conjunction with staff liaisons, are planning an In-service for Winter/Sring 2012 to conduct trainings, board/all-staff meetings, and generally facilitate open communication and strategic planning discussions (dates and related logistics TBA). Following is a list of proposed trainings, categorized by relevant department/committee.

All paid workers should feel free to edit this page directly to add training topics that are required to fulfill their job descriptions and their general ability to navigate Free Geek processes, systems, policies and communication channels. (If you want to add something but lack the wiki editing training to do so, email your additions to

Administrative Services

  • Closing the tills (Michael will conduct this.)

Adrienna - Gregory - Misty - Darren

  • Database training

Adrienna - Gregory - Misty - Mark - Patrick - Jake - Cliff F

  • Wiki Paul

Adrienna - Gregory - Misty - Patrick - Jake

  • RT Paul

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - Darren - Patrick - Jake

  • Talon Paul

Misty - Mark - Patrick - Cliff F

  • Wordpress Paul

Adrienna - Greg - John McNamee - Misty - Sarah - Ebeth - Cliff F - Patrick - Jake

  • Alarm system issues

Cliff F - John A

  • Closing training - Darren

Cliff F - Mark

  • Routing the mail
  • Spending money, IOU/Reimbursement


  • Budgeting


  • Scheduling. How to request changes, etc. -- Mark will do


  • Breaks: how to make sure you get them -- Mark will do


  • How to call in sick -- Mark will do


  • Your rights at work and how to deal with them -- Mark will do


  • Confidentiality -- Mark will do


  • PTO -- Mark will do


  • Understanding your benefits -- Mark will do


  • FAQ from info@ (how to reply to info@ emails)


  • Free Geek elevator speeches (PR Committee will conduct this.)

Adrienna - Gregory - Mark

  • Decision-making; policy and management structure of FG

Everyone (this will be discussed during the all-staff meeting on the 28th.)

  • Meeting facilitation - led by Amelia

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - Darren - Patrick - John A - Jake

  • Meeting scribing - Sean

Patrick - Jake - Cliff F

Recycling & Receiving

  • Oregon eCycles

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - Darren - Mark

  • Tallying and Inventory

Adrienna - Gregory - Misty - Darren - Cliff F

  • Data security

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - John A

  • Receiving support (how to best provide backup during a Receiving rush) - Misty

Adrienna - Gregory - Darren - Mark - John A

VETS (Volunteer, Education, Tech Support)

  • 86ing people (what's the process/policy)

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - Darren - Mark - Patrick - John A

  • Volunteer management training

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - Patrick - John A

  • Training on Training (Education) - Darren

Adrienna - Gregory - Misty - Patrick

  • Tours

Adrienna - Gregory - Mark - Liliana G

  • Accessibility (how to accomodate different abilities and needs)

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - Mark - John A

  • Discrimination (FG policies and procedures)

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - Darren - Mark - John A

  • Diversity awareness/sensitivity training, volunteers with disabilities

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - John A

Safety Committee

  • Safety training, including proper lifting techniques


  • Fire drill


  • Emergency medical things


  • mental health awareness

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - Darren - John A

  • CPR

Adrienna - Gregory - Misty

  • De-escalation and ombudsman usage

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - Mark - John A - Liliana G

  • First Aid stations (what's there, how to use them)


Organizational issues

  • Hiring goals/priorities

Everyone (this will be discussed at the all-staff meeting.)

  • Understanding the Union Contract (for both union and non-union folks) - Vagrant and Ebeth


Area Check-Ins/Meetings

  • Sales/Reuse/Production check-in: What the store (also online/bulk sales?) needs and wants. Maybe should involve Receiving as well.

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - John A - Liliana G

  • Production identity investigation: What does this committee do, how is the Sales staff involved.

Adrienna - Gregory - Misty - Liliana G

  • Receiving flow: clarify gizmo flow between Receiving, Store and Warehouse.

Adrienna - Gregory - Cliff F - Misty - Darren - Patrick - John A - Liliana G

Admin Time

Template: [Name: # of hours requested]

Amelia: 3 hours

Mark: 2/21 4 hours for payroll | 3/6 4 hours for payroll | will be coming in for 8 AM, so maybe admin time will get calculated at a lower #