Talk:Room Use Policy

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This policy was accepted at May's council meeting. If we need to change it in the future, we should. [council post]

We need to figure out how serious we are about making the big room conform to fire codes. --Ideath 16:02, 3 Dec 2004 (PST)

email or web form?

The article says to contact outreach, but everyone says to use this page, but that is not referenced at all in the policy page. -- MW 11:33, 30 June 2007 (PDT)

page needs update

We should revamp these guidelines with updated language. Here's a brief synopsis of language from a collective email thread so far:

Quickie list of criteria for consideration:

Organizations wishing to utilize Free Geek space for non-Free Geek related events shall be granted pending the satisfaction of the following criteria:

  • The event shall be non-partisan in nature (reasoning being to protect our non-profit status),
  • The event shall not impede Free Geek's daily operations (which I think should be broad enough to cover allocation of staff, working spaces, etc, etc),
  • Their mission doesn't conflict with ours
  • The organizers shall provide a detailed schedule and/or plan for the event to the Free Geek Staff Collective,
  • Approval from the Free Geek Staff Collective.

I like the idea of being flexible in whom we allow to utilize our space, as it could expand our offerings to the community at large, as well as promote an atmosphere of collaboration and support with other organizations beyond our standard modus operandi.

We also talked at a collective meeting about explicitly extending this to sidewalks and similar areas around our building during business hours.

And we want to consider keyholder sponsors from the group, rather than Free Geek staff, in order to minimize disruption to our work schedule.

RfS 21:52, 29 June 2012 (UTC)