Template:Battery Testing

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Revision as of 14:35, 12 December 2012 by Lynnae (talk | contribs) (create page, first draft)
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☐ Charge the battery completely

  • Check the Start box next to Battery Charge on the Keeper label.
  • Charge the laptop with the AC adapter on the testing shelf.
  • To see if the battery is charged, hover over the battery icon on the Desktop toolbar.

☐ Start batterytest

  • Open a Terminal. Type

and hit enter.

  • Open a second Terminal, and type
while : ; do stress-test ; sleep 300 ; done

☐ Disconnect the AC adapter from power

  • Keep the AC adapter with the laptop

How it works
The laptop will run the stress-test in a loop until it runs out of power. For every minute the laptop is on during battery testing, a line of text is logged in a file called bat_mon. When battery test is run again, the script counts up the number of lines of text in the bat_mon file, and outputs the number as the number of minutes the battery lasted.