Prepare for shipping to end user

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Revision as of 19:11, 3 January 2014 by Aradan (talk | contribs)
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Scary Warning

Please do not use this option to set a users name and password at any time other than when they are first receiving it. THIS SCRIPT WILL ERASE ALL EXISTING USERS AND DATA at the time it is run. this should no longer happen with the default Free Geek 12.04 intall. Be wary!


"Prepare for shipping to end user" is a script that erases the default (oem) account and adds a new user with the same privileges. It can be found by clicking on:

System > Administration > "Prepare for Shipping to End User."

Known Issues

Usings names like "oem," "root," and "admin" may cause problems. So don't do it!

Rolling Back Prepare for Shipping to End User

If Prepare for Shipping to End User has already been run and you'd like to roll it back to the default oem account, follow these steps:

  • Press and hold the Shift key immediately after the POST screen. Continue to hold until you reach the GRUB menu.
  • From the GRUB menu, select an image with 'recovery mode'.
  • From the Recovery Mode menu, choose 'root' or 'drop to root shell'.
  • At the root shell, run the following command:
mount -o remount,rw /
Note the lower case letter 'o' after the dash, and the lack of spaces between 'mount', the comma, and 'rw'.
  • Next, run this command:
apt-get purge oem-config
answer yes to confirm, then run reboot when it's finished.
  • The system should now boot normally (if it goes to the GRUB menu, just select the topmost image on the list).

Rerunning After Removal

  • To run Prepare for Shipping to End User after it has been removed, run the following:
sudo apt-get install oem-config-gtk
and reboot. Note that this will automatically run it, so only do this when the computer is ready to ship out again.