Computer Basics

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Purpose: This is an elementary class on hardware fundamentals with a brief excursion into other concepts, 90 minutes in length.

Overview: Personal computing hardware have evolved rapidly in capability and shrunk in cost and size since first introduced in the latter half of the 1970s, but the building blocks of PCs remain the same. Knowing those components and how they interact empowers computing users, by

  • helping them save money and make better choices when purchasing equipment and services, and
  • prolong the longevity of their computing systems as well as
  • protect their data.


Intel's Edison computer using the 400MHz Intel® Quark processor with two cores, memory on board, integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, fits into an SD card and is expected to sell for less than $150. Thirteen years ago, a computer with a single 400MHz processor would have required a full sized desktop, and cost $2,500. Takeaway: Computers depreciate faster than cars, and improve far faster as well, so buy as little today as you can get away with, for tomorrow's will be better/faster/cheaper.

What Fits Inside

Multiple components fit inside a desktop computer, the big box which sits on the floor or on a desk top.

  • All-in-one machines fit the computer behind the screen.
  • The laptop takes it further, integrating the screen, microphone (sometimes), speakers, and mouse (replacing the latter with a touch pad and/or touch pointer).
  • The tablet computer takes it further still by dispensing with the keyboard and mouse, instead having you tap on the screen to type and swipe across the screen for what a mouse or touchpad would do.
  • A smartphone is a tablet with a smaller screen, plus a cellular phone built in.

Now, let's itemize those components.

Power supply

Converts wall power, which is 120 volts AC (Alternating Current), to both 5 volts DC (Direct Current) which is what chips use, and 12 volts DC, which is what motors in spinning drives and fans use. The fans are needed because devices which use a lot of power make a lot of heat, and that heat has to be moved outside the computer with fans to prevent the parts burning out.

Laptop power supplies convert wall power to something between 12 to 20 volts DC, to charge the laptop battery; the laptop breaks that current down to 5 and 12 volts DC inside the laptop. There's no standard voltage for laptops, and no standard power plug, either, so there are a lot of leftover power supplies from broken laptops for sale on eBay. Independent manufacturers also make 'universal' power supplies for laptops where you can buy one power supply with several adapters, and then use the adapter which fits your laptop.

CPU, the central chip

GPU, the chips which make the screen work

RAM, the memory that forgets

BIOS, the memory which doesn't forget

Hard drives and solid state drives

CD, DVD and Blu-Ray 'optical' drives

Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth and cellular connections

It's all radio, either over wires (Ethernet) or without (WiFi, Bluetooth and cellular).

Keyboard and mouse

Speakers and microphone

Monitor, screen, display

  • a
    • a (1)
  • b
  • c
  • d
  • e
  • f
  • g
    • g (1)
      • g (1) (a)
      • g (1) (b)

Other connectors

Serial, Parallel, USB, USB2, USB3, Firewire/IEEE-1394, Thunderbolt

What Still Doesn't Fit Inside

Printers and scanners have rarely been added inside a laptop, and never inside a desktop. Nowadays, if you want to print, either you get an all-in-one device which does the work of a printer and scanner, or if you have no need for scanning, you can get just a printer.

If you are going to scan multiple pages in a batch, a scanner with an automatic sheet feeder is very nice.

Printers can be black ink only, or more spendy printers print in color. The least spendy printers are ink jet printers, but those manufacturers often make up for it with expensive ink. If you will print a lot, laser printers may be less expensive in the long run, even though they are more complex.

Less frequently seen are solid ink printers; only Xerox made those, with the ink appearing like rectangular crayons. Photo printers sometimes include the dyes which make the colors in the paper, which is also pretty spendy.

The surge protector must be outside the computer in order to work, otherwise the surge would still be inside the case to damage the components of the computer.

Then, the internet connection parts:

  • the 'modem' (actually a misnomer, since we're all digital now and modems were for analog phone lines, but everyone still calls it a 'modem')
  • the router or switch which takes one data line from the 'modem' and shares it between multiple computers
  • the WiFi Access Point, which is almost always packaged up with the router to make a WiFi Router, or packaged up with the router and 'modem' to make a WiFi Gateway.


And cables? Yep, you've got cables all over the place, unless you have a laptop, and there's still a power cable for that. Never pay more than the cost of a basic cable; spendy gold-plated cables work no better than regular cables. Also, don't tie up cables with plastic ties, or bundle them up tightly; loose big loops and coils won't damage your cables but tight, small bundles will.


Without software, a computer is a dumb box that sits there and burns electricity, a very expensive space heater. Let's touch briefly on software.

Operating systems

There are major families of operating systems for PCs: Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. It's extremely difficult if not impossible to run a program designed for one operating system on another; think of the operating system ('OS') as the foundation that a building rests on.

It may be of interest to know that the ministry of the UK Government which is responsible for communications and security has recently declared Linux as the most secure PC operating system. Or not.

Office productivity

Word processing, spreadsheets, databases, slide shows, and other business software. Microsoft Office is the leading such program, followed by Libre Office and Open Office, among others.

Drawing, composing

Adobe Photoshop is well known, as is THE GIMP.


Programs to play, compose, and edit music and video fall into this category.



Email, chat, browsers, instant messaging, other internet services all need a connection.

SAAS (Software as a Service)

All of the above programs are now available through your web browser, when you connect through the Internet to 'server' computers which run these programs.

Often those are 'free'; you provide information about yourself to the service providers when you register, and then they track where you go on the Internet. This data gets 'aggregated' (bunched together) and sold to advertisers, research firms and other companies.

If you don't pay outright for a service on the Internet, you 'pay' this way.


Anything you type, draw, record, make, or download to keep, is your data, and it's pretty much why you have a computer in the first place. If you don't create it, you need to get it on CDs, DVDs or from the Internet.

You can back up to a local device, such as

  • CDR discs,
  • DVDR discs,
  • hard drives, or
  • USB flash drives.

Anything mechanical or electronic will fail, sooner or later. Your backup plan should give you the ability to restore your system as well as duplicate your data so if your system fails, is stolen or destroyed, you can restore it without loss. The simplest backup is to

  • open the file manager
  • right-click on the Home folder
  • open the target, the destination drive to receive the backup
  • click on Paste in the Menu Bar at top
  • When it finishes, close the file manager window
  • right-click on the drive which received the backup, and select Safely Remove
  • put the backup drive in a safety deposit box or somewhere safe.

You can also copy it over the Internet to a backup or cloud service, like

However, if your data should remain private, encrypt it strongly first. AESCrypt is an Open Source file encryption app you could use for that purpose, as are encrypt, OhCrypt, and SimpleCrypt.


Internet Service Providers (ISPs) bring you a connection to and from the Internet, which is essential for email, web browsing and other data services such as on-line backup.


DSL is provided by telephone companies, who put radio signals over the phone lines. Since telephone companies are better regulated than cable and wireless companies, it's easier to get a DSL connection to an ISP different than the phone company.

The further you are from the telephone company central office, the more difficult it is to keep those radio signals clean and free from interference, and since phone lines are not laid down as the crow flies, it can be difficult sometimes to get a good DSL connection, and DSL connections are rarely as fast as cable or fiber optic, though they do tend to be better than commercial wireless ISP connections.

On the other hand, DSL doesn't vary its speed like cable and wireless can. Cable modem systems share the cable with many of your neighbors, so when everyone gets on line, your speed dips, sometimes severely. Wireless connections also drop in speed when more users near you go on line.

Fiber Optic

Tiny strands of glass carry far more data than cables, wires or wireless. Fiber optic data service is the ultimate kind of connection when available, and costs it. However, it's not as widespread as cable or DSL service.

Cable modem

The same cable system used for TV also carries internet data. However, cable modem systems share the cable with many of your neighbors, so when everyone gets on line, your speed dips, sometimes severely when all the gamers jump off the school bus and get on line.

Wireless (cellular)

Modern cellular companies turn voice into data, to get more users talking over the same amount of frequencies. This inspired them to offer data service to computer users. The service can be irregular as well as spendy, but since it's sold like cellular service is, prepaid data plans often are the only kind of data service folks with marginal credit can get. Cellular wireless also serves those who have no better options.

Wireless (commercial)

Sometimes called a WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider), this requires a small antenna on the side of your house pointed at the tower used by the WISP. offers service to rural communities on the west side. Fog, heavy rain and sleet will make the microwave signals which carry the data fade and disconnect you now and then.

Satellite service

If you have a clear view of the sky to the south-southeast, you have have satellite TV, and satellite TV providers also offer internet data service. However, the time it takes for a signal to get from your disk to high orbit, bounce down, connect to the Internet, and then return in the opposite direction makes Internet gaming impossible. Internet phone and two-way video service is also sub-optimal. Fog, heavy rain and sleet will make the microwave signals which carry the data fade and disconnect you now and then.

Shared connection

If your neighbor has Internet, you could ask to share their connection, either by WiFi or an Ethernet cable. However, if they wanted to, they could install software on their system to see what you were doing, including your passwords. Security, security, security!


  • Keep your guard up! Malware is the number one cause of data loss in the Pacific North West.
  • Keep your computer clean. The number two cause of PC failure in the NW is dust and animal hair buildup inside, which blocks cooling and leads to overheating, heat damage, and burnt out components. If you smoke (your choice), clean it more often because the tar in smoke will cause dust, air, and fur to stick tenaciously and cause problems sooner. This does not apply to vaping.
  • The number three cause of failure is caused by electrical power problems; surges, spikes, and lightning strikes. A lot of little surges and spikes can equal the damage of one large lightning strike; the damage is cumulative, and when a machine 'just stops working', it has failed as a result of those over-voltages. Look for surge protectors who offer damage coverage on systems they protect, and fill in the little card which registers your system. Adequate surge protectors have a UL 1449 standard Let Through Voltage Rating of no more than 330v, and protectors which advertise lower maximum Let Through Voltage Ratings (like the APC Net series) are even better protection.
  • The fourth cause of failure is also caused by electrical power problems; blackouts and brownouts. A battery backup is a good idea for desktop computers and an essential for network servers.
  • Back up your computer frequently. If you don't protect it, then the inevitable electrical, electronic or mechanical problem will lose it for you.