Tour Howto

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Moved from HowTo web page, reformatted for wiki, lightly edited. --Pete 11:35, 26 Dec 2005 (PST) Originally written by Laurel (?)


We offer tours regularly; they are usually the first exposure a prospective volunteer or donor gets to our programs. People on the tours should get some sense of our purpose, programs, and culture.

Quick Guide

Please, feel free to extemporize as you see fit, as long as you make people feel welcome and get the important points across. At the end of the tour, they should have some idea of what program, if any, is right for them - or if they want to give us lots of money, or lots of food, or just spread the word.

  1. Front Doors/Welcome
  2. Receiving/Intro to adoption program
  3. Testing/Volunteer-driven
  4. Card & mobo sorting/Intro to build program*
  5. Recycling/Environmental aspects*
  6. Printerland & Mac pile
  7. System evaluation/Self-paced education
  8. Build area/Cooperative and ongoing learning
  9. Lab/The FreekBox & Open source
  10. Classrooms/Future plans
  11. Collab/Other progams
  12. Store/Focus on re-use
  13. Front desk/Questions and signup

You may want to swap these two, passing right on into the warehouse and talking about build on your way out, closer to the rest of the build program.

Detailed Instructions

I've paired a thematic point with each location; you may do it slightly differently, as long as the stuff gets covered. There are links to example blahdeblah - and i want to include your example spiels on here, too! This isn't exactly a script but rather a set of talking points.

Front Doors/Welcome

  • Make sure you have everyone.
  • Ask why they're here.
  • Give a quick summary of what we are. [example]
  • Mention 2 main programs.

Receiving/Intro to adoption program

  • Adoption: our main program, where people donate 24 hours of time in exchange for a computer.
  • Prior knowledge not required for Adoption volunteers.
  • Receiving: A common task for Adoption volunteers. A good introduction to the web interface and to computer equipment in general.
  • Incoming equipment flows through here; donations come from both individuals and companies. Much is still usable.


  • We can't keep everything, so we test many types of hardware.
  • Another place where adoption volunteers often spend their time.
  • Tests are designed to be simple; helps demystify. [example]
  • Testing scripts, like the database, are written and maintained by volunteers and are in a constant state of evolution.

Card & mobo sorting/Intro to build program

  • Build: increasingly popular for people for whom earning a computer is not their top priority.
  • We don't require prior knowledge, but this takes more dedication than Adoption.
  • There's a step-by-step process working up to building systems, which starts here, with hardware recognition. (A Build volunteer's progress roughly parallels a PC's progress as it gets built up in our system.)

Recycling/Environmental aspects

  • A major part of our mission is environmental, so if we can't re-use equipment, we make sure it's recycled responsibly. [example]
  • Opportunity for volunteers to get lots of hands-on experience with computers they don't have to be careful with.

Printerland & the Mac pile

  • Smaller, specialized repair programs
  • Collaboration with other organizations (MacRenewal in Eugene)
  • Dedication to re-use [example]

System evaluation/Self-paced education

  • Note the stacks in the warehouse: systems that have been determined to be good by evaluators.
  • System evaluation is a step in the build program, and a first step for systems.
  • Spend as long as you need in these steps. [example]

Build area/Cooperative and ongoing learning

  • People who have gone through eval and taken a basic command line class can join the build workshops, which run almost the entire time we're open.
  • Systems built here go to adoption volunteers, grant recipients, infrastructure, and the store.
  • Peer teaching: volunteers often learn something, then turn around and teach it to someone else. [example]

Lab/The FreekBox & Open Source

  • Adoption class: Because the FreekBox is often a person's first computer, and because it's using relatively uncommon software, we include a class on how to use the computer when an adopter, builder, or grantee receives one.
  • An important factor in the success of Free Geek is our use of Open Source software. [example] [example w/info on coders]
  • Internet Access at FG: The lab is available for Internet access to active volunteers as long as it's not in use as a classroom.
  • Brief, planned detour to the server room for poignant reminder why we recycle: monitor dredged from willamette

Classrooms/Future plans

  • Classes: main classes are Command Line (part of Build) and Adoption. Others are offered occasionally, by volunteers, for volunteers. Free or low-cost. Examples: Advanced Linux, The GIMP.
  • Classes in other user-end Open Source software, on programming, and other similar topics are in discussion. But don't hold your breath! Development of these is beign done by the same people who are trying to run the rest of the place!

NAP/Other programs

  • Nonprofit Assistance Program: provide some needs analysis and hardware grants for nonprofit organizations.
  • Computers for Kids: We work with organizations that bring us groups of at-risk youth who go through more supervised and instructed versions of the Build and Adoption programs and take home their own computers.

Store/Focus on re-use

  • The store sells equipment that is below or outside the spec of what we need for our other programs.
  • The store is just one of the ways Free Geek generates income to stay open. [example w/good outro]
  • This not only helps us pay the rent but gets equipment back in use.
  • Active volunteers get a discount in the store.

Front desk/Questions and signup

  • Ask for questions.
  • Volunteer intake! (MAKE A WIKI LINK HERE)

Example blurbs Stats and Testimonials