Free Geek Definitions

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This document is made up from several previously unrelated source documents and may contain terminology that is unfamilier to those outside of FREE GEEK. For your pleasure - a few geekisms:

Administrators of Systems and Security - volunteer group of system adminstrators that over sees FREE GEEK's IT infrastructure.
Volunteer programmers that help develop FREE GEEK software (Open Source of course!).
consensus process
A form of decision making that is democratic and non-hierarchical. More info .
The long term staff at FREE GEEK functions as a collective. This means there's no boss.
council (Community Council)
Consensus based policy group made up of FG board, staff and volunteers.
Separated basic materials from demanufactured computer and electronic equipment (i.e. circuit boards, copper wire, aluminum, steel, plastic, etc.)
Cast-off computers and other electronics, usually headed for the landfill or other unfortunate fates.
FREE GEEK Database - Open Source gizmo and volunteer data management software developed by Free Geek.
Free Software
Free Geek uses free software, including GNU/Linux, for its infrastructure, and also on the PCs we give away and sell. It is not only free of charge, but is distributed with its source code (Open Source) so that anybody with programming knowledge can modify it. In fact, we have made some modifications, to make it easier to use for our adopters.
Any computer component that is entered into the database.
Term generally used for equipment (which is almost always donated equipment) that is used at Free Geek in day-to-day operations. e.g., the computers in the Lab, the tools in Build, the cart in Eval.