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The Linux Clinic meets at Free Geek on the third Sunday of the month, from 1PM to 5PM.

note: We will meet on April 23 2006, instead of the third Sunday, to avoid Easter.

Bring your Linux computer and your questions. The structure is informal; we teach and learn from each other.

The Clinic is a continuation of the Linux Clinic sponsored by [ PLUG, the Portland Linux/Unix Group ] and operated from 1996 through 2005 at Riverdale High School. Free Geek has been gracious enough to offer their facilities to bring the Linux Clinic to the near-east-side community.

Please remember that we are there to have fun and help everybody. If your Linux question is particularly difficult, it may take a few Clinic sessions to solve - we have a limited number of experts, and a lot of people to help.

Also remember that there are some things that Linux can't do. If you have some inexpensive garage sale hardware, or an $8 wifi card from Fry's, there may not be production-ready hardware drivers for it. Before making a hardware purchase, please find out whether the available drivers are well developed, and if they aren't please buy something more suitable. If your "bargain" doesn't work, it is a waste of money no matter how little you paid for it.