Final Application for Ongoing Status as a Free Geek

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{{policy in development}

Background Research and Development Plan

  • Have you made contact with local recycling partners?
  • What facilities will you likely be using for disposal of e-waste?
    • Have you researched their recycling practices?
      • Do they send e-waste overseas? Where?
      • Do they use prison labor?
      • What do they process that ends up in a landfill?
  • Do you know how much it will cost you to recycle:
    • Batteries?
    • Monitors?
  • Do you know how much you are likely to make off of
    • Processors?
    • Circuit boards?
  • Have you made contacts with other community organizations...
    • that work with free or open source software?
    • that work with communities of people who lack technology or technical skills?
  • Volunteer recruitment
    • Do you already have volunteers that are willing to work on a weekly basis?
      • How many volunteers?
      • How many hours per week?
    • How do you plan to recruit more volunteers?
  • Start up funding
    • How much startup funding do you already have?
    • How much will rent for your initial space likely cost?
    • How do you plan to raise more startup funds?


  • Your own infrastructure:
    • Do you need hardware to help you get started?
      • If so, do you know how to apply for a grant from the mothership?
    • Do you understand what software the other Free Geeks are using for infrastructure? (Free Geek in Portland has a Software Overview page.)

New Questions

  • Who signed (or will sign) the following documents (if you have or are applying for them)?
    • lease for space
    • articles of incorporation
    • bank account
    • bylaws
    • loan
    • foundation grant application
  • Describe your role in the organization.
  • Who is (or will be) answering questions from the general public?
  • Describe how your decision making process will change as you grow?
  • How many people do you anticipate will be on your paid staff?
  • Which will you be using to make decisions, formal consensus or majority rule or some other process?
    • Why?
  • How do you determine who will be in your main decision making group?
  • Do you have experienced meeting facilitators working with your group? If not, how will you recruit them?
  • What is your mission statement?
  • How do you encourage volunteer participation?

Startup Plan