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Aloha, and thank you for visiting my FreekiWiki space

dzs' FG information

I have been lurking about the FG virtual space for a couple months now, ever since I saw a writeup on SlashDot about this REALLY cool project. After reading everything I could about the goings on, I finally managed to schedule some spare time to visit after the recent waterfront blues festival.

I am currently registered in the Build Program and have enjoyed spending time @ the recycling, eval 1, and eval 2 benches.

Although I really enjoy my volunteer time @FG, my main interest is to learn enough about the operations to replicate the success of FG somewhere closer to my current Los Angeles area home.

Classes I would seriously consider sponsoring

 How to make a FGdb gizmo report Monitors Collected/Systems Recycled/Inventory Recycle value
 Server Build/FGdb Install
 Intro to FG system administration  

Amoung the things I would want to do if I had the money and the time.

  • FG Ipodz. PGB record and edit, Gail as Tour Guide, Fred as Station instructor, Ipods as hardware donation the FG. Part of Startup support grant back to startup with NAP consulting.
  • Franchise fee to fund future startup grants, allow start-ups to buy inventory @ recycle price, allow associate hours to accumulate against FG infrastructure clone system, earn servers and notebooks to reduce FG tech support dependence.
  • Prep for storage @ providence - associate to harvest machines for access to base machines 1/5 and a set of "build/test drives from fg inventory, FG gets excess mem, High-end CD/DVD, video?. associate ships equipment
  • Figure out a way to pay teachers Franchise classes/video production/meeting and event recording/wiki updates

dzs' technical bio

I am a long time (25 year) PC user and IT professional. Most of my professional experience is with large-scale software systems, including Financial, Manufacturing, Emergency dispatch, and Student Information systems. I started as an operator loading backup tapes on the midnight shift, and progressed to be a project manager at the University of Southern California

I have been using PCs since I built my first 4Mhz 8080 kit machine in 1979. I am proficient with almost all flavors of WinDoze and MacOS, as well as flavors of Unix from Sun, IBM, HP, and a large number of other industry dinosaurs. My OS experience also includes various flavors of Linux. These include RH, SuSE, Slackware, and Ubuntu. My current desktop is a dual boot Ubuntu 6.06 (DapperDrake) / Windoze XPpro machine (O.K. I like playing EQ)

Personal stuff

I am currently living just north of Los Angeles, where I spend most of my time being a dad to a 14 year old daughter. In the time that is left I look for work, eat, sleep, learn, and play.

I believe the world would be a much better place if everyone would open thier mind to learning new things. In my efforts to practice this belief, you will often find me taking classes at the local community college. This spring, 29 years after graduating high school, I completed my AS in Real Estate.

I like to play golf (both frisbee and traditional), EQ2, and occasionally I play skipper or crew on various sizes of sailboat in the pacific ocean.

On the rare chance I find work, I like to play with complex software systems or obsolete hardware to try and make them do what the people with money want them to. This seems to entice them to give me thier money, which allows me do all the other stuff I like. If only I could get them to stay rational about how long things REALLY do take to get working.