Talk:Volunteer Discipline Policy

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Revision as of 18:45, 27 January 2006 by Shawn (talk | contribs) (responses)
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amendment for proposal

Note: this is not yet a formal proposal. Please adjust as you see fit.

In Jan. '06, there is a hot discussion about the role of children at Free Geek. This proposal is NOT intended as a general solution to that situation. Rather it is intended to clarify a small piece of existing policy. I think that might contribute to better communication, and therefore be a small piece of a solution.

So, the proposal is that the Volunteer Discipline Policy be amended to explicitly state the following:

  • Children under 16 should be listed among the categories of volunteers.

(I'm not sure we need this one because...)

  • Children at Free Geek are bound by the same policy as other volunteers.

(it's implied in this one, which could be added as a note after the categories of volunteers and offenses.) Shawn

  • The proper avenue for addressing significant concerns with a child is via the parent (or responsible person.)

(This would work well in the "Courses of Action" section.) Shawn

(Both the Under 16 Policy and the contract which excepts those under 16 from having their parents with them at FG should, explicitly or implicitly (as the contract does), point to the volunteer discipline policy. If someone's at the volunteer discipline policy page, they're responding to behavior this isn't acceptable (most likely). The under 16 policy page doesn't address this type of behavior, except to refer back to the vol. disc. policy.) Shawn

-Pete 17:44, 26 Jan 2006 (PST)