Community Council

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The Free Geek Community Council is the group responsible for the long term vision of Free Geek. It enacts policy that is:

  • overarching, affecting all of Free Geeks, OR
  • cross-group, not as big as overarching, but affects multiple groups (if those groups can't coordinate the policy on their own), OR
  • controversial in nature.

Any volunteer or worker can be a member of the council.

Current Topics of Discussion

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 19 at 7:15 pm at Free Geek.

The Meta Question

We are currently pondering the Meta Question and to this end we're thinking about a scenario for Free geek's future. Read about one possible scenario at Maximum Free Geek. Write other scenarios up. Like:

Sister Free Geek
We grow too big for our space / culture here, and decide to spin off a clone elsewhere in the Portland Area
Spun Off Free Geeks
We decide to move the store offsite, maybe open a classroom elsewhere.

The Future of Collab

Wither Collaborative technologies?