Adoption Program Survey

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This survey should be given to all class participants at the conclusion of every Adoption Class, or when they collect their computer.

The purposes of this survey are many-fold. We'd like to be able to better retain volunteers after they complete the Adoption Program. We'd also like to receive some feedback so we can improve our volunteer programs, collect demographic data for grants, and get some good information for media outreach

Exit Survey ideas (all questions optional): Comments may be used in media. These questions help us increase our level of service and apply for grants - Age - Name and phone if want to be contacted about continuing to volunteer - Income level - Where spent most of time - Score different places to volunteer (recycling, receiving, data entry, testing, cleaning) the quality of help that you received (did you feel comfortable in the area? did you feel like the task was well-explained?) - Feel like knew what was going on and comfortable - Learn new skills? - Will you be able to use these skills in the outside world/job - How found out about us - Would you recommend FG to friends? - If you could change something about FG what would it be? - What was your favorite thing about FG? - Has FG affected your life in the outside world? How so?