Organizational Classes

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Organizational Classes

Consensus Class

Consensus is a hard process. Instead of just listening to a decision be made or talked about, you must take an active part in it. You must decide whether this is not just a good course, but the best course you can think of. You must find the niggling details and problems. Welcome to active decisionmaking.

Facilitation Class

Meetings do not run themselves. The facilitator's job is to understand the purpose and methodology of the meeting and make sure everyone follows it. Is this discussion relevant to the purpose of this group? Is this discussion repetitive? Should we ask someone else to do this? The variety of levels of thought needed to make a good facilitator sometimes makes this seem impossible.

Reversed Hierarchy Class

Why does FreeGeek's hierarchy seem different than most? Why do some say there is no hierarchy? We'll talk about how FreeGeek's different, and what the benefits and drawbacks are.