Alt Build (PPS)

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Revision as of 21:28, 27 February 2007 by Rfs (talk | contribs) (→‎Financial costs)
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Program Basics

  • Program Name: Alternative Build
  • Program Description: Basically, it's the same process as regular Build, but with Macs, Server & Legacy equipment. This program would include hardware identification, system evaluation, assembly and quality control. Perhaps it would include some hardware testing, if that became feasible. As for servers in particular, taken from the Enterprise Build PPS: The program would include a working knowledge of Networking and Systems Engineering. This would also prepare them for Network Plus certification. The teaching would be peer based with class assignments focused on working as a team. Currently there are no programs specifically to deal with Servers and high end network equipment.
  • What best describes this program?
    • 1. Primarily income generating (expected to make money for Free Geek) YES (While many of the products of this program would sell in the Thrift Store or through bulk sales, some would likely be granted out.)
    • 2. Primarily meets program needs (expected to cost more money than it makes) NO (It will not cost money but it is very in line with FG's educational & reuse agenda)
    • 3. Administrative (expected to support other programs that generate income and/or meet program needs) NO
  • Why does Free Geek need this program?

Volunteers are willing and interested in learning about Macs & Servers and their experience working with them carries real-world relevance (particularly in the job-training realm). The regular Build program is already very successful and many return builders are ready to move onto something new. Additionally, FG is dedicated to prioritizing reuse over simply recycling and this program enables an increase in reuse, specifically with the Legacy systems.

Job Position Basics

  • Would there be a dedicated staff position associated with this program? NO
  • Position Title: N/A
  • Job Description: N/A

Financial costs

  • What are the expected financial staffing costs of the program? (Include all costs to the organization such as salary, payroll taxes, and benefits.)

  • What other costs are associated with the program?
  • If there will be a dedicated staff position, how much time would be needed for training? N/A
    • How much time would existing staff need to put in initially? ______30_____ hours/wk
    • How time would existing volunteers need to put in initially? ______20-30______ hours/wk
  • Once the program is up and running how many staff hours per week would it take?
    • In paid staff time? ______20______ hours/week
    • In volunteer time? ______30-40______ hours/week (as many as volunteers wanted)

Note: With the upcoming staffing changes (i.e. removal of Build Coordinator & addition of Co-Production Coordinator), it's hard to predict staffing of this program. I believe that after the program is up & running on volunteer leadership, the Production duo would mostly oversee the process.


  • Outline the intangible costs for the position and program:


  • Are there any possible negative impacts on Free Geek's mission, and if so what?

Not every volunteer will have the opportunity to participate at first - this would change as the program grew (which undoubtedly it will)

  • How will this program affect other programs and staff positions currently in effect?

It will positively affect Build volunteers who wish to continue volunteering after building their 6th system. It will require staff hours to keep the program running well.

  • How will this program affect other programs and staff positions being considered?

The Co-Production Coordinator position being tossed around right now would likely cover some shifts in Alt Build areas.


  • Would the program generate income? YES
    • If yes, how much income would be expected once the program is up and running? $ _????_ / month
    • If yes, how long would it take for the program to get to that point?
  • How does the program support the mission of Free Geek?
    • Reuse of computer equipment (especially old Legacy stuff)
    • Providing education/job skills training
    • Provide Non-profits with affordable working server hardware (Servers)

Measuring Success

  • How can the success of the program be measured?

happy, return volunteers. Increased Mac/Server/Legacy sales, an increase in hardware grants of Macs/Servers, and less stuff being recycled.

  • For most income generating positions, the costs initially outweigh the benefits. If this is an income generating program, how long until it is expected to break even?

It's already generating income because of Loren's dedication to refurbishing Macs.

  • Outline a plan for implementing the program:

It's already happening in a makeshift way. All that remains to be done is committed documentation, staff oversight, and some volunteer training.