Talk:Optimization and Priorities group

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Why this group?

There are many ideas about how Free Geek should change and grow. This results in many proposals, some of which are well thought out and some of which are kind of half baked. There's also a cyclical pattern to this. Proposal A surfaces and gets talked about for a while. Maybe there's no money for it to go forward at that point. Then we move on to Proposal B and it turns out we happen to have money now, so people want to move ahead with Proposal B. This is often done without comparing the two proposals, since Proposal A is old news now. To correc this, we need to have a systematic way to compare all the outstanding proposals and prioritize them.

This is ostensibly the job of the Free Geek Community Council. However, the community council can get bogged down when there are several outstanding proposals at one time. (This is the norm. At the time of this writing the number of program planning sheets is approaching 40. Some of these are programs in operation already. Some are pie in the sky ideas. All deserve to be compared when deciding where to go in the future.) We can cut this workload on council down by designating a smaller group to organize the proposals and think through the relative merits and make a presentation to council.

RfS 12:33, 23 September 2006 (PDT)

This is well layed out. It may be good to come up with goals of Free Geek (this may be done all ready). I see there being 3 levels, Mission, Goals and Priorities. Priorities are set to meet the Goals. Goals are set to Meet the Mission. Do the curent working groups have written goals. Are thes goals the same as we would set as a whole for Free Geek.
We need a way to run experements. little side projects to test ideas, even the most bogus ones. This is part of my vition for Education at Free Geek. We do this on some level currentley with advanced linux classes, and some work parties. Perhaps we could step this up.
</braindump> Matteo 11:38, 28 September 2006 (PDT)

Question, do you think could this group take over some of the functions layed out in the Free Geek Space Usage proposal? - Matteo 13:52, 9 October 2006 (PDT)

To add to page

regular meeting time, location, and openness. it's 4th tuesdays, right? also should probably have a pointer to the email list. --Ideath 15:12, 28 February 2007 (PST)