Template:Noncollective Benefits

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Revision as of 12:07, 2 March 2007 by Rfs (talk | contribs) (spelling)
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  • Wages are $10.80 per hour.
  • Length of job:
Work Hours
To Apply
  • Applications for this position are due by .
  • Applications must be submitted by email in plain text (no attachments please) to jobs@freegeek.org.
  • We expect to hire for this position by .
  • Additionally, applicants should take a tour of our facility (to learn about our culture and better understand the organization). Tours are offered every day Tues. - Sat. at noon and 6pm.
{{Template:Staff Salary
 | time =
 | due =
 | start =
 | duration =
time =
  • Full-time, 35 hours per week.
  • Four and a half or five days per week, Tuesday thru Saturday, 10:30am to 7:30pm, some evening or morning meetings, with some flexibility
due =
  • date aplications are due
start =
  • start date of hire
duration =
  • 6 months