Network Switch Testing

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The network device testing station currently consists of two computers: A server and a client PC. These machines are not connected to the Free Geek network, and boot from their internal hard drives. They both run Linux.

The server runs httpd as a web server and has an IP address at It has a dumb index.html homepage. The important part of this web server is it hosts a file called TESTFILE.ZIP. This is just an arbitrary file about 32MB in size. This machine boots to init 2 (command line) and doesn't need to be logged into to use (although if you are nice you will log into it to shut it down.) This machine is currently a Compaq mini-tower.

The client computer is a small-form-factor Dell desktop, which also boots to a command-line login. It's IP address is It has a script called /bin/ht (hub test...). The script does these things:

  • Pings the server to make sure it can be contacted over the network,
  • Downloads (wget) the TESTFILE.ZIP from the server through it's network card (to /ramdisk),
  • Checks the TESTFILE.ZIP against it's known MD5 checksum,
  • Spits out a message whether the test completed successfully or failed.

The network device testing station also has a 10baseT hub (3com). This is also used for testing - we want any 100baseT hubs tested and sold in the store to downgrade gracefully if a 10baseT device is connected. Many first-generation 100baseT hubs do not work with 10baseT devices at all, and this will cause problems and confusion in a mixed network. 10baseT devices such as network printers and DSL modems are still commonly used and should work on any devices offered to the public.

Recycle Criteria

Recycle any of these network devices:

  • DSL and Cable modems (and DSL filters, phone cables, etc, if the store already has a few)
  • DSL and Cable modems with built in hub, 'internet router', or wireless
  • 10baseT hubs
  • 100baseT hubs that do not work with 10baseT (testing required)
  • cheap-looking little no-name-brand hubs if they are piling up at the testing station
  • cheap-looking little no-name-brand hubs if a matching power adapter can't be quickly found
  • devices with noisy or bad fans, or that appear physically damaged

Leave for (very) advanced testing:

  • Consumer-grade internet routers (with WAN ethernet port, not with DSL or Cable ports)
  • Consumer-grade wireless access points and wireless routers
  • Managed 10/100 switches with a console port that do not seem to pass testing
  • Professional-looking rack mount routers, firewalls, and other network devices