Exploratory Workers

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Exploratory Positions are designed to help Free Geek figure out how and if to develop new job positions. Workers in this category are paid at the same rate of pay as Staff Collective members. Exploratory Position workers are expected to report to Free Geek on how their job can fit in, for example:

    • as a new collective position
    • as a regular paid intern position
    • integrated into existing job descriptions
    • performed by volunteers

These positions are limited to six months as a rule. The Staff Collective is allowed to make an exception to this and extend an internship one time for up to three more months.

This position is not a guaranteed stepping stone to a job in the Staff Collective, though if the position proves the value of a collective member it is possible that the exploratory worker could apply for the job.

Exploratory workers are paid hourly. Unlike Staff Collective members, they do not receive health care, vacation, sick, or holiday benefits.

Exploratory workers, along with other staff and key volunteers make up Core.