Trends and Attributes

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Revision as of 20:37, 14 August 2007 by Rfs (talk | contribs)
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If you have a idea that you want incorporated into Free Geek's long term plan, please look through these lists of trends and attributes to see how they may affect your idea.

External Trends

  • ewaste legislation
  • basel action network
  • change in tech:
    • desktop -> laptops
    • CRT -> LCD
    • Printers -> AllInOnes
    • PDAs and phones
    • wifi
  • more corporate donations
  • more free geeks
  • more irritating pseudo free geeks
  • more recycling competition
  • continued growth
  • flattening growth
  • increasing cost of transportation
  • more and better FS/OSS

Internal Attributes

  • messy (getting better?)
  • increasing benefits for staff
  • two strong programs
  • constant flow of volunteers
  • diverse income stream
  • gobs of hardware
  • crappy project management skills
  • could be better at customer service:
    • store
    • receiving/donations
    • tech support
  • volunteer management issues (good and bad)
  • growth in paid staff
  • FS/OSS community involvement
  • solid core of volunteers