Council 2007 10

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Revision as of 20:20, 17 October 2007 by Conform (talk | contribs) (→‎BUSINESS)
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  • When: 7:15 Weds 17 Oct
  • Place: Meeting room
  • Facilitator: Richard
  • Scribe: Seamus
  • Consensus Training: We wish!
  • Minutes Checker:
  • Attendance: Marie, Cliff, Curt, Jon, Laurel, Matteo, Dave, Tim, Richard, Seamus, E-beth, Mike, Michael, Ali, Latey McLaterson (also known as Martin) and Latey's cousin Lastey McLaterson (Jenn).


  • Staff and Board will meet with landlord and report back - See minutes below

A/V Presentation

  • We watched it! It will show on the television! Thanks Rupert Murdoch!


  • State of the Onion: Holiday party coming up. Barbecues are done for the summer, other volunteer recognition events will be coming up. Lots of new tour guides. EdCo recruiting is starting.
  • Big Picture Planning: (3 - 5 year plan) Priorities meets next Tuesday. Wiki has pulled together some new compilation of existing goals. Most interesting is the list of goals that don't have consensus.
  • Landlord Meeting: We've talked a lot about whether we want the upstairs space. Seamus, Richard, Oso, Jeff sat down with McGuire. We shared our thoughts and concerns, and discussions have broken off until property tax assessments are released around November 1st. We are also still collecting data on the upstairs space. They're amicable to any lease length, pretty much. We may have to have a clause that triggers a renegotiation on a property tax threshold, as that is their major concern.
  • Uganda: Ugandan Library Director that received FG machines came and visited. There are pictures. Their sysadmin was killed and the network degraded, until they turned their diskless setup into a diskful Windows network.


  • Open Board Position: Marie introduces Curt. Curt Pederson comes to use from the OSU Open Source Labs and is the CIO for the Oregon University system. Lives in Corvalis. Marie nominates Curt for one of the Board vacancies. Curt's involvement with OSL puts him in contact with a lot of people that FG would like to have contact with. May not have a lot of opportunities to attend FG meetings, but will commit to the four board meetings and will try to make Council meetings as available, as well as being prompt in email contact. No nonprofit board experience, but lots of advisory council-type and professional association board experience. Wants more community involvement. Curt is selected as a director for a term ending October 2009.
  • HB2626 E-Waste Report: E-Waste bill passed and details are beginning to be hashed out. Ali is our rep with the rule-making committee. The bill creates a statewide network, funded by electronics manufacturers, for collecting electronic stuff for recycling. Collectors, of which FG might be one, will get paid to receive goods. Manufacturers can use the statewide network by paying in, or they can create their own network that meets the same criteria as the state-run network. The bill has very, very little to say about reuse, so there are a lot of large, looming questions about what can and should happen to the stuff that gets collected. The large manufactures are opposed to reuse, out of concerns for data security and concerns that reuse will impact their apparent recycle rate. They also want to classify refurbishers as manufacturers, which would be tough for FG. The next meeting is Nov 13 (Tuesday) 10-3, likely at DEQ headquarters, and will continue monthly through next November. FG Meeting to discuss these issues: October 30, 7:15.


  • We are BlueWork certified! That means we're good at recycling household stuff.

Next Council Meeting

  • Facilitator:
  • Scribe:
  • Date and time: November 21, 7:15 (November 28)
  • Place: Free Geek
  • List of unfinished business for the next meeting: