Free Geek Staff Structure Rethought
- Production (Build, Advanced testing, recycling) 5 fte, 2 paid interns
- Sales (ebay, bulk, comodies, retail) 3 fte, 1 paid intern
- Operations (books,facilities, SysAdmin, payroll, receiving) 4 fte, 1 paid intern
- D4 (Tech support, education, outreach, inreach, hardware grants) 4 fte, 1 paid intern
Department SubTasks
- Scheduling
- Basic books
- Basic Facilities
- managing the group
- Hr Tasks hire, fire, reviews
- major + minor
- floating manager
- more admin time
- big picture oversight
- each staff picks major, minor
- trainings for selected group members: bookkeeping, facilities function
- scheduling and HR would need to split among all groups