Pickups Intake

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Pickups Intake

The following are some key points of info and questions to ask of people making inquiries about pickups so that all info can get routed through the proper channels and allow pickups to happen in a timely manner.

Info that pickups customers should know

  • Required Fees: Pickup Fee $40.00, all other fees apply (monitors fee, TV fee)
  • Donations of hardware are tax deductible for fair market value
  • We will call them back shortly to arrange a pickup time

Questions to ask

The following is a list of information that should be gathered when receiving an inquirer about a possible pickup:

  • Organization Name
  • Organization Address
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone Number and Email
  • Amount and type of equipment to pick up
  • If equipment is palletized, does the organization have a forklift or loading dock?
  • Is the pickup urgent, or can it wait a few days until we can get it?

What to do with this info

Enter all this info into a new ticket in RT under the pickups queue.