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Just call me 'Aj'. Adrienne works too.

Current reading list:

  • The Color of Magic(Terry Pratchett)
  • PHP and MySQL Web Development
  • The Blank Slate--The Modern Denial of Human Nature (Stephen Pinker)
  • Roar of the Tigress--The Oral Teachings of Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett: Western Woman and Zen Master.
  • Quotations:

    But for the grace of evolved moral sentiments and a guilt-laden conscience go I. (Michael Shermer)

    All philosophies, if you ride them, are nonsense, but some are greater nonsense than others. (Samuel Butler)

    If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin."(Charles Darwin)

    There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. (Douglas Adams)

    The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference. (Richard Dawkins)

    Give the FBI unchecked domestic spying powers and instead of focusing on preventing terrorism, it will revert to doing what it does best -- monitoring, harassing, and intimidating political dissidents and thousands of harmless immigrants. (Wendy Kaminer)

    I currently reside at the Lighthouse intentional community. We are a community of lay practitioners who have come together to create community in a living environment. We are Taoists or Buddhists and various and sundry forms of geek-life.

    When I'm not working or doing Freegeek, I meditate at Dharma Rain Zen Center, write for Skepchick magazine, drum, cycle and love to cook.