Motherboard Testing

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Check the motherboard and be able to identify
  • Motherboard type (ATX family, Baby AT, LPX, NLX
  • Packaging type ( SECC, PGA…)
  • Socket type (Slot 1, Slot A, Socket A, Socket 370…)
Blown capacitors Check for curved or leaking top.
Check for visual defects (blown caps, mutilated components)
  • If only one capacitor is bad, send the motherboard to recycle except if it is one that supports Pentium P4.
  • look for burn marks or discolerment.
After checking the packaging and the socket type that matches the motherboard,
  • Identify the motherboard by manufacturer, model, version
  • Go to the manufacturer website or just search via google and determine with which range of processor the motherboard is compatible.
  • Put a compatible heatsink with a fan on top of it.
Check the battery for the CMOS, if less than 3 volts replace it.
Add some memory
DIMM modules, SDRAM, DDR SDRAM or Rambus RDRAM (remember to install Rambus in pairs and use CRIMMs).
Attempt to post
  • connect the minimal things needed to post (power, keyboard, video, etc)
  • if you need help see flowchart below.
  • If board beeps but won't post, check the Beep Codes and diagnose the problem.
Power down, then attach
  • Use an IDE cable (40 pin)to connect the hard drive to the Primary IDE.
  • Use the second IDE cable to connect the CDROM drive to the Secondary IDE.
  • Use the floppy cable (34 pin)to connect the Floppy Drive to the motherboard.
Boot to Memtest, Let it run for a minute, it will run for ever if you let it (The memtest program is a boot option on the hard drive)
Boot up to Operating System
  • Check that the mouse and keyboard work
  • If you have on board video check that it works.
  • Test all the USB ports with a mouse
  • If you have on board sound play a audio cd, if not then take a look at a data cd
  • run stress-test
Some cases might call for testing
  • RAID
  • SATA

Useful links

  • Information on different motherboards with summary description, it's quiet commercial but it provides quickely the basic information you're looking for : For complete and accurate information on motherboard just go to manufacturer website like Abit [1], Asus [2], MSI [3] and the others. Sometimes you are able to download the motherboard manual.

Flow Chart

Here's a chart flow that can help you to visualize the process

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.