Kids Area Coordinator

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This page describes the responsibilities of the unpaid internship Kid's Area Coordinator (KAC)

Job Description

This position is an unpaid internship which provides a wealth of hands-on learning in the realms of event planning, non-profit structure, and volunteer coordination. The KAC would work independently and with the Events Committee to plan and organize the Kid's Area at this year's Geek Fair.

Duration & Hours

  • May 15 - June 21
  • 5-10 hrs/week


  • help brainstorm activities for Kid's Area
  • coordinate Kid's Area volunteers
  • organize Kid's Area activities including:
    • create budget
    • acquire supplies
  • have fun


Must be self-motivated, able to work independently, but also work within committee. Must be able to attend pertinent Events Committee meetings (i.e. the ones where we discuss the Kid's Area, budgeting, etc.). Interest and experience working with kids (or acting like a kid). Demonstrated ability to coordinate or organize stuff and/or people. Is available on July 21st!