Volunteer Injury Procedure

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If a volunteer gets injured, please do the following:

  1. Give First Aid treatment if certified, or find someone who is!
  2. Offer to call an ambulance (person needs to say yes/no)
  3. Ask them for current phone number to reach them for follow-up (and questions).
  4. Give volunteer a "Volunteer Emergency Injury Info" card, whether or not they decide to seek treatment.

o located in the filing drawer at the front desk. o This card contains the following: oo Policy #: 395F001317 oo Carrier Name: First Financial oo Insurance Contact: Kristi oo Kristi's #: 5803.977.5614

  1. Send volunteer for treatment (via ambulance, other ride, parent, etc.)

o If they refuse, still hand them the info card should they seek treatment later.

  1. Fill out an Incident Report located in the filing drawer at the front desk
  2. Give this form to MK or RFS to fax to Kristi, our claims contact via JD Fulwiler

* IMPORTANT: The Incident Report & Insurance info for volunteer are imperative, per our liability carrier.

  • IMPORTANT: Volunteers are covered by our General Liability Insurance, NOT our Worker's Compensation Insurance.