Volunteer Injury Procedure

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Revision as of 17:12, 12 July 2008 by MaryKate (talk | contribs)
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If a volunteer gets injured, please do the following:

  • Give First Aid treatment if certified, or find someone who is!
  • Offer to call an ambulance (person needs to say yes/no)
  • Ask them for current phone number to reach them for follow-up (and questions).
  • Give volunteer a "Volunteer Emergency Injury Info" card, whether or not they decide to seek treatment.
    • located in the filing drawer at the front desk
    • This card contains the following:
      • Policy #
      • Carrier Name
      • Insurance Contact: Kristi
      • Kristi's phone #
  • Send volunteer for treatment (via ambulance, other ride, parent, etc.)
    • If they refuse, still hand them the info card should they seek treatment later.
  • Fill out an Incident Report located in the filing drawer at the front desk
  • ALSO, use this same info to create a ticket in the "Incident Reports" queue in RT
  • Give this form to MK or RFS to fax to Kristi, our claims contact via JD Fulwiler


  • The Incident Report & Insurance info for volunteer are imperative, per our liability carrier.
  • Volunteers are covered by our General Liability Insurance, NOT our Worker's Compensation Insurance.