Geek Fair Debrief 2008

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Mary Kate

Area(s) of Coordination

  • raffle, port-a-potties, tents, general contact day of

What, specifically, did you do?

  • Day of "Coordinator" & worked Front Desk, Raffle organization

In hindsight, what would you have changed to make things better?

  • better band mgmt w/ plan "B" for delays
  • do not give $500 to one band, spread it out
  • make 2nd to last slot headliner, not the last

Anything we should note for next year?

  • better organization & earleri flyering
  • start Events meetings earlier in year

- let us see any print materials BEFORE they go to print


Area(s) of Coordination

  • food! music coordination help

What, specifically, did you do?

  • contacted food vendors (Staccato Gelato, Whole Bowl, Redwing, Red & Black, Taco Cart), coordinated with vendors about permits, arrival time, menu

In hindsight, what would you have changed to make things better?

  • more food! worry less about too much competition, get more options in

Anything we should note for next year?

  • make sure they will stay the WHOLE time! whole bowl left and that was sad


Area(s) of Coordination

  • Music & performers, co-sponsorship

What, specifically, did you do?

  • organized & recorded KBOO co-sponsorship, organized bands (Atole, Hide & Go oHustle, Guidance Counselor, Chervona) and performers (Chain Reaction, Stiltwalkers)

In hindsight, what would you have changed to make things better?

  • If I was to do this again I would get folky bands (I think Chervona worked really well), also high-energy is a qualification. I would not have given Atole $500 - they were not big enough

Anything we should note for next year?

  • If I could coordinate bands for next year it would be less of them - the perfect ones togeher would be Chervona, Sassparilla, Circus Contraption. I'd also ask Chain Reaction back. High energy performances are a must. KBOO Co-sponsorship should be done again (worked wonderfully)

Michael K

Area(s) of Coordination

  • helmets

What, specifically, did you do?

  • set-up

In hindsight, what would you have changed to make things better?

Anything we should note for next year?

  • start way earlier


Area(s) of Coordination

  • overarching keeping stuff on track

What, specifically, did you do?

  • picked up barricades (American Barricades, 173 NE Columbia) & Beer (Maletis Distributors, 7000 N Cutter Circle)
  • ordered tents from Barbur Blvd Rentals & Portable Restrooms from American SaniCan
  • overhauled volunteer task list
  • pointed many of the coordinators to previous GF info (i.e. booth list and correspondence from '07)
  • helped with Set-up (set-up the Bar)
  • helped with tear-down
  • floated around and covered areas as necessary
  • coordinated volunteer work party the day before Geek Fair to clean up and prepare the building

In hindsight, what would you have changed to make things better?

  • more up-beat, audience-rousing music
  • less bands
  • band needs communicated WELL IN ADVANCE
  • place the portable restrooms in sight of the stage AND make sure that everyone (i.e. info booth volunteers, etc.) knew where they were
  • fair-style food (i.e. cheap & deep-fried)
  • the booths were largely boring, we should have interactive & fun booths and think about who we want to invite
  • stuff to do in the bar - last year the bar was packed all day because of the FOSS Panel, Comedians, etc.
  • better beer (Captured by Porches Amber was pretty terrible)
  • advertise that beer is available

Anything we should note for next year?

  • schedule volunteers for Tuesday morning "put everything back together"
  • start way earlier
  • Geek Fair brochures: "welcome to Geek Fair!" with site plan, sponsors, & schedule of events
  • I'd like to find a way to have a beer garden outside
  • Come up with a "mission statement" of sorts for Geek Fair so we know how to target our entertainment, audience, and sponsors
  • more fun, engaging entertainment (non-scuzzy circus-style performers)
  • work out money-handling logistics with Richard earlier
  • the donation station was really convenient for hardware donors, we should repeat this