Network Testing

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Welcome to Network Testing. This is an area in Advanced Testing

Network Testing works more-or-less like this:

  1. Incoming. Everything comes in, unsorted, and goes on the bottom shelf of the rack.
  2. Sorting. We look at Network Switch Testing to find out what is instantly recyclable and create a recyclables box somewhere if we don't want it. Otherwise, if it's something we want, find the AC adapter for it. If we can't it gets recycled. If we can, pair it with its AC adapter, put it in a bag and put it on the Sorted shelves (2).
  3. We test sorted devices from the Sorted shelf and if they're good, we write up a "Tested OK" sticker, stick it to the device, include the AC adapter, and put it in the Store box (3).
  4. Big weird devices go on the Other shelf (4).