Network Switch Testing

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The network device testing station currently consists of a computer with a nick that can handle gigabit Ethernet and wireless g. This computer also has a serial port and software that can talk thought it.

Testing a switch

  1. Verify that the network device is not to be immediately recycled, by consulting the list below
  2. Connect power to the switch, and verify it starts up (some advanced switches may take up to a minute to start up)
  3. look for a reset button and if there is one reset it.
  4. Connect the network cable that has the internet on it to the wan or uplink port.
  5. Verify that the link lights illuminate on the switch for the appropriate ports.
  6. Plug in the network cable from the computer to the router.
  7. On the PC surf the internet. this should not feel slow.
  8. Do this on every port by moving the network cable that connects to the computer
  9. check the wifi by connecting to it and serf the net
  10. If the network device has a way to login, try to.
  11. If it works, label it, "Tested OK"

Recycle Criteria

Devices to be recycled without testing
  • DSL and cable modems (and DSL filters, phone cables, etc, if the store already has a few)
  • DSL and cable modems with built in hub, 'internet router', or wireless
  • 10BaseT hubs
  • Cheap-looking little no-name-brand hubs if they are piling up at the testing station
  • Cheap-looking little no-name-brand hubs if a matching power adapter can't be quickly found
  • Devices with noisy or bad fans, or that appear physically damaged
Devices to leave for advanced testing
  • Consumer-grade internet routers (with WAN ethernet port, not with DSL or Cable ports)
  • Consumer-grade wireless access points and wireless routers
  • Managed 10/100 switches with a console port that do not seem to pass testing
  • Professional-looking rack mount routers, firewalls, and other network devices

Preparing the device for the store

  1. Plug its AC adapter into the device and make sure they won't be separated. (Maybe use a rubber band)
  2. Put it it the clear plastic Store bin on the shelves.