Outsourcing Recycling

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Why are these people taking these boxes out the back door?

Free Geek partners with different organizations and schools to provide volunteer opportunities to people who cannot work at Free Geek's facility. These volunteers provide recycling services in their workshops, and the organization keeps track of the hours volunteers work. Volunteers are also eligible to receive FreekBoxen. A special class might have to be arranged for them to receive their training.

What canNOT be taken off site

Because of Free Geek's data security promise to donors, no media that might contain readable data can be taken off site. This includes floppy disks, data tapes, and hard drives. Video tapes from Multnomah Public Library are OK ( and approved by MPL) because they are assumed to not contain data that Free Geek must ensure remains secure.

As of 2008-05-14, there is an ongoing discussion about data tapes being OK to send offsite because they might be unreadable without both the right tape drive & software.

When in doubt - don't let it out.

Mt. Hood Community College Project Enterprise

  • contact: Susan Spencer (503) 256-0432 x22231
    • drop off day: TBD
    • what they take:
      • Keyboards


confirmed for 08/09

  • Multnomah Education Service District Vocational School (Pathways)
    • contact: Bill Hjelseth or Sam 503-262-4000
    • drop off day: Thursday
    • what they take:
      • floppy drives
      • cards (to remove steel face plate)
      • heatsink-fan combos
      • modems and hubs that are easy to take apart
    • what they can't take:
      • CDs or jewelcases

Rainier ESD

confirmed for 08/09

    • contact: Anne Montgomery (anne_montgomeryatrsd.k12dot_rdot_s)
    • drop off day: Thursday around 4:30pm
    • what they take
      • keyboards
      • heatsink/fan combos
      • easy disassemble networking devices
      • daughter boards/cards