Store Meta Question

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Here is where proposed ideas for the future of the store. In other words, How Should The Store Grow?

Current Planned Improvements Timeline

  • Before Thanksgiving (date pending) - Carpet removed. Floor looks like rest of building (old fir).
  • Before Christmas - shelving replaced with either wire racks and/or custom shelving a la shop people.
  • After Christmas - Possible refinish of floors to make them *nice*

Boutique Thrift Store

Make the thrift store into a boutique. Reasons for doing this: Make more money per transaction. Make the store more appealing so people are more comfortable spending larger sums of money on stuff.

  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages

Multiple Locations

Having more locations has one obvious benefit: We will have more customers to sell stuff to. This is not yet possible because we can't keep stuff stocked in out current store that people really want.

  • Satellites with same basic stock
    • Advantages
    • Disadvantages
  • Satellites with a different stock
    • Advantages
    • Disadvantages
  • Considerations for a store/drop-off site (this might be better as a separate page if it seems like we are going this direction)
  • Type of store might be impacted by the neighborhood/suburb it is located in.

Two Different Stores

Perhaps using Goodwill as a model. That is, a "retail" store and a "bins" store. There are two reasons to do this 1) Increase reuse and 2) separate "bins"-style customers from "retail"-style customers (this also means separating parts geeks from whole-system buyers).

  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages

Brainstorming Impact of the Weirdness

The weirdness will have an unknown effect on the size and composition of our stream. Here are some possibilities:

  • Size of stream goes up, quality goes down (more stuff that no one wants)
  • Size goes up, quality goes up
  • Size mainly unchanged, quality goes up
  • Size mainly unchanged, quality goes down
  • Size goes down, quality goes up
  • Size goes down, quality goes down

And it's the economy stupid

  • The economy is a likely basket case. What kind of impact will this have on our customer base?
  • If this is merely a recession then people will probably substitute whole system purchases for parts to upgrade
  • If this is a second great depression then the sales will likely go down (!). We would have to have a plan in place to deal with the change in revenue if this occurs.