Specific Options for Reducing Staffing Costs

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This is part of the Reduction Committee Tasks.

As we review everything, we need to spell out what specific measures we could take. We'll need to estimate the financial costs and savings of each, the other costs (staffing shortages, impact on programs, etc.), and the problems associated with each option.

Target #1 = $2,700.

Target #2 = $5,400 (including target #1).

Across the board wage cut

A 5% wage cut would save us $1,162.58. We spend $23,250 / month on non health care benefits.

Voluntary hours cuts

Monthly cost of collective member/hour/week =

Per hr cost: $52.96 
Dave    1.75    $92.68 
Geiner  7      $370.72 
Jhasen 10      $529.60 
Jon    12      $635.52 
Laurel  4.5    $238.32 
Liane   4      $211.84 
Martin 10      $529.60 
Michael 5      $264.80 
Rick    6      $317.76 
Shawn   8      $423.68 
SUBTOT 68.25 $3,614.52 
Matthew 5      $175.00
TOTAL        $3,792.00

Voluntary Unpaid Leaves of Absence: Jhasen 1 month (May) = $1584 Laurel 1 week in March = 264 Laurel 2 weeks in Ap/May Liane 1 month (June) = 1584 Martin 1 month = 1584

TOTAL                       $4882

Job performance based cuts

  • 32 hour collective member with health care = $1867
  • 32 hour collective member without health care = $1584
  • 20 hour collective member with health care = $1339
  • 20 hour collective member without health care = $1056
  • 20 hour/week intern = $700

Program and job function based cuts