Free Geek Startups Business Plan

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Free Geek Intergalactic is an umbrella organization that would oversee the Free Geek trademark, review applications and take the initiative in starting Free Geeks in other cities.

Free Geek Intergalactic Group Costs

  • Annual salary for 3 employees = $35K X 3 = $105K
  • Phone for 3 employees = $60 (standard plan) X 3 = $180

Cost of a New Startup

  • One year salary for one employee = $35K
  • Facilities (rent + utilities) = ($8K (rent) + $1K (utilities)) * 12) = $96K (roughly what Portland pays?)
  • Boot camp for 6 people
Airfare = $350 X 6 = $2,100
Portland staffing = $1,000
Total = $3,100

Travel and staff time for Portland = $350 (one flight) + $1,000 (2 weeks staff time) = $1,300

Cost per startup = $135,400

Total Annual Budget

Base cost (only one startup) = $240,580

Cost per additional startup = $135,400