Talk:Free Geek Bylaws

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Revision as of 14:56, 15 March 2005 by (talk) (What is the purpose of a Board of Directors at FreeGeek)
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It would be helpful to have a discussion of the Board of Directors, and how they fit in with FreeGeek's current governing model.

Because a majority of decisions are made by Council via a consensus model, the idea that a Board of Directors should come in and make overriding decisions is not going to be well-received, and contrary to the spirit of volunteer involvement.

However, FreeGeek's 501c3 status requires that we have a board of directors. And that carries with it certain implications, not the least that the BOD is responsible for seeing that decisions are responsible and in the best interest of the corporation. Which also implies that the BOD would have the right/responsibility to last word on any decisions made by Council.

Hence the issue. Council is a decision making body. So is the Board of Directors. We need to have a discussion regarding the roles played by each.

For example: What does FreeGeek want from a Board of Directors?

  * External Industry experience and connections? (Intel, Adobe, OSDL?)
  * External Fundraiser resources
  * Another perspective on decisions?
  * Fiscal review

Your thoughts?