User:Ryan52/old todo

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features wanted

list of features wanted, most from a discussion with kc8pxy (some will be taken care of by him/his coders), others need my help.

  • settings page (admin password, everything in the defaults table, metadata too..)
  • 01:17 <kc8pxy> volunteer certification trancking
    • 01:17 <Ryan52> aka contact_types? :)
    • 01:18 <kc8pxy> btu i don't want unilateral designation.
    • 01:18 <kc8pxy> i want to have 2 or 3 people to "vote" them competent.

way too old saturday todo list

  • cleanup the data that was deadbeat during the coveredness time. it doesn't have the field set called covered. (fixed in code)
    • add a migration to "UPDATE gizmo_events SET covered = false WHERE covered IS NULL AND donation_id IS NOT NULL"?
  • DELETE FROM gizmo_events WHERE donation_id IS NULL AND sale_id IS NULL AND disbursement_id IS NULL AND recycling_id IS NULL;

i'm working on

  • library
  • get ticgit ready, and start adding stuff to it
    • port remaining 5 skedjulnator tickets to ticgit (I hope Richard won't mind..)
  • finish sorting trac tickets, and move them to RT or ticgit

next release

todos for this release

  • nokogiri
    • need to do
      • do the whole comparing "fun"
        • WTF @ 2000
        • extra h3's everywhere
        • what's up with the diff on 2750?
      • merge the branch
    • should do
      • review the diffs, keeping in mind the default behavior (// vs /) of the old parser
      • should check back to see differences between the original version and see if they were intended

next release

  • add the onsubmit thing for contact_methods as well
  • add onblur for the automatic line item completion thing
  • skedjulnator
    • make it integrate with the "normal" contacts table and merging the customizations and defaults
  • when editing a persons hours, add some way to get back to the original thing
  • IMPORTANT: write a is_last_enabled_visable_there_field_thing_in_line_item javascript helper...there is a big mess there, and there are most likely bugs.
  • merge markstos's docs patch
  • add some reports

needs discussion

  • "points"
  • returns
  • volunteer scheduling
  • staff hours

not fgdb.rb

  • #13058: basiccheck -- floppy drives
  • #12791: HD testing script and human interaction


  • fix our plugins stuff
    • move them to their own git repos
      • submodule them in
    • upgrade to the latest versions
    • forward patches upstream, and hope that they apply the changes
  • reports over time:
    • conditions
      • add OR support to conditions ... this will be invasive, probably
  • switch to rspec
    • fix existing tests how they are
    • learn to use rspec
    • start writing new tests


original list of things needed

  • Lookup books from library of congress or similar
  • Check out books to people
  • Track checkout history
  • Print labels
  • Inventory list (so we can check to see what's missing, etc.)
  • Looking up all overdue books
  • (this may not be a complete list)

things left to do

before beta test

  • search (mostly done)
    • need to make it use ajax
    • display results better
    • search by isbn
  • print labels (halfway done)
    • format it nicely
      • works now
      • needs small tweaking wrt the limits on the sides and such
    • choose labels to skip
      • labels stuff supports it, just need teh interface
      • also need an interface to search for copies that have not been labeled, and mark them as labeled once you click the "the printing worked" button
  • list books/history by person

before/during release

  • moving from openbiblios schema (figured out)
    • add foreign keys, and create (or redo..) the migrations
    • need to create a temporary rails project that migrates the schema


  • consider regenerating the xapian database on each start up. it might not be that hard on the database. I'll have to time it or something.
  • isbn checksumming

things left for git

things that matter

  • trac
  • cruise control (useless since all of the tests are broken)

things that dont

  • gitweb on devo (currently have it on my vps...)
  • make the git repos publicly accessible from somewhere other than (alternate method is to just make {git,other-dev} a CNAME to my vps :D)
    • should we also push to github? currently my scripts do pulling, but I guess pushing could be added..
  • rewrite the commit email script -- it sucks (I can live with it now)
  • figure out somewhere for the devel data to live that is faster than the horrible freegeek dsl (heh. I *do* have enough bandwith on my vps...guess I miscalculated or somethin)

should do soonish

  • make it work with rails 2.2.2
  • interface for adding contracts
  • a way to disable contracts
  • "power user" multiple systems per line item

for a rainy day

  • add the line items edit link for payments and contact methods as well
  • validation is done on the submit button's onclick...why not the forms onsubmit?
  • add notes via web ui
  • speed up the regex in the vhosting stuff wrt printme, so that it caches results or somethin.
  • coveredness without contracts is broken (in the js) -- no big deal
  • figure out a more convenient way of upgrading to a new sprint
  • covered condition (extra)
    • so we can see either. we don't need side by side numbers at this point, but who knows???
  • update the documentation (meh, not *that* important)
  • security fixing
    • CSRF (use rails' protect_from_forgery and verify methods)
      • Look at this: [1] looks really kewl!
    • check for SQL injection, we won't have to worry about this in most places since we use active record, but the reports where we use SQL directly should be checked.
    • Rails Security Guide
  • look closer at the XSS stuff (safe erb) -- I got a lot of em
    • the on_display stuff for contact searches is an XSS bug, sort of. regardless, it should be cleaned up.
  • remove cruft from that ajax helper thing
  • get rid of duplicated data in code
    • permissions for various controllers are split between the sidebar and the controller itself
  • fgss generic regexps
    • 18:44 < aSmig> this should match everything but 31: ([0]{5,}|123456789|^.{1,4}$|^[^0-9]*$)
      • false positives still exist ... figure it out
  • move the vendor/plugins to their own submodules...maybe I shoulda done this first, since it's gonna get even more messy with the git bug...anyway, too late for that, whatever. I'll work it out :)
    • update them

what I did today

Moved to ChangeLog