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Hi! I used to be on the staff collective as the Education Coordinator. Then i went back to school at Portland State. The degree i attained was BA, Political Science, but really i'm still an anthropologist. I like documentation. I like wikis.

I'm currently volunteering at the Donation desk on Tuesday afternoons; the plan is both to get practice asking people for donations and to improve the training documentation. I also work in the Library, trying to impose some sort of order. I'm serving as the Secretary of the board. You know, helping a little bit here and there. I firmly believe FreekBoxen, as distributed, are perfectly good workhorse computers for people who want to do web browsing, email and word processing. And what else do you really need?

Rose:  You made me look ridiculous in there.
Guil:  I looked just as ridiculous as you did.
Rose:  (an anguished cry)  Consistency is all I ask!
Guil:  (low, wry rhetoric) Give us this day our daily mask. 
                                     Tom Stoppard

These days, i am working with the local food foraging and education group Urban Edibles. I'm interested in resilience and mutual aid, sourdough bread, contra dance, open pollination literal and metaphorical, perennial food crops, knitting, formal consensus, sunlight and shadow.

And if human personality is an illusion? And if, as biology tells us, every single cell in our body is replaced 
every seven years by another? At the most I hold in my arms something like a fountain of flesh, continuously 
playing, and in my mind a rainbow of dust.
                                      Lawrence Durrell

To write/refine: