Programs and Activities

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Free Geek runs many programs, and sometimes we loosely refer to our activities as programs in an unstructured way. However, in order to analyze how well we are doing things, we often need to have a more formal definition. This page breaks down Free Geek's activities in a structured way

Free Geek's Mission Statement is "To recycle technology and provide access to computers, the internet, education and job skills in exchange for community service."

Let's break that down in a structured way:

To ...

  1. recycle used technology, and
  2. provide access to X in exchange for community service.
  3. computers,
  4. internet
  5. education,
  6. job skills training.

Some notes and definitions:

  • From line 1, we assume these activities fall under the broad definition of the word "recycle"
    • reuse, re-using an item as is, in its current working state
    • refurbishment, re-using an item after repairing or upgrading it
    • recycling, re-using items as scrap materials, rather than as useful working components
  • Line 2 contains an X. We can swap the items on lines 3, 4, 5, and 6 into that X to create a complete phrase, for example swapping in line 5 gives us "provide access to education in exchange for community service."

This then breaks downs to these phrases, which are grouped here with the activities that support each. Many of these activities fall into more than one category.

recycle used technology
recycling, printers, build, laptops, macs, thrift store, A/V, servers, prebuild, testing
provide access to computers in exchange for community service.
build, thrift store, adoption, hardware grants, laptops, macs, prebuild, testing
provide access to internet in exchange for community service.
gap, adoption, build, thrift store, drop in access, support
provide access to education in exchange for community service.
classes, build, library, tours, prebuild, support
provide access to job skills training in exchange for community service.
internships, build, prebuild, testing, support