Optical Drive (CD DVD) Testing

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CD/DVD Drive Testing

Wwatson 22:02, 18 August 2009 (UTC)


When testing CD or DVD drives it's safe to go under the “if it fails, try another disc” rule. If we don't mention this in the more detailed instructions below, it's probably implied. If the drive fails a task (that it should be able to do) twice, it's a good bet that it's a bad drive and it can be recycled.

Install an optical drive

  • Grab a drive from the incoming box/crate. Make sure that the jumpers on the back are set to 'Master' (unfortunately, there is no set jumper pattern, but the drive itself should give you a diagram, or already be set up). If there are no jumper pins, continue as normal.
  • If the CD-RW drive is not a 'High Speed' or 'Ultra Speed' drive, or if the drive is older than the year 2002, go ahead and recycle it now. Also, if it's just a CD drive (no -RW), recycle it.
  • Power down the testing computer and plug in the IDE (or SATA – with supported machine) cable and power cable and slide the drive into the test computer. It doesn't have to be screwed down. Boot up Ubuntu.
  • If the drive is a DVD-RW, test for DVD playback (2) and DVD-RW writing (1).
  • If the drive is a DVD/CD-RW test for DVD playback (2) and CD-RW writing (1).
  • If the drive is a DVD-R test for DVD playback (2) and DVD-R writing (3).
  • If the drive is a CD-RW test for CD-RW writing (1) and audio playback (4).
  • If the drive passes all tests and isn't destined for recycling, add a label indicating what type of drive it is (DVD-RW/CD-RW, etc), and write 'OK'.

(1) Testing writing on CD-RW or DVD-RW drives

//If you are testing a DVD-RW drive, use a DVD-RW disc instead, but follow the same steps.

  • Insert a CD-RW into the drive. Wait for the CD to show up on the desktop. This may take a little while. If it looks like the CD isn't going to show up, try another CD-RW. If no disk shows up, recycle the drive.
  • When the disc does show up, right click the icon and select 'Blank disc...' Follow the prompts to clear the data on the disc. !! Make sure you select the 'Fast Blank' option. !! [If this fails, try a different disc...] --If the disc is ejected when it's done, put it back in.
  • Open Brasero and click on 'Data Project...'. Click 'Add' → 'Desktop' →'Test 1' (double click) → Testfile9 → 'Add' to add the test file to the data project.
  • Hit 'Burn'. This should open up a new window. First click 'Properties' and make sure all the boxes are checked (√). Hit 'Ok' then 'Burn'.
  • If the burn is successful a box will pop up and the disc will eject. In a few seconds the tray will close and be verified. A timer / progress bar should show up. If the burn is not verified within five minutes (5:00), or if you get any errors during the process, the burn failed. Try again with a new disc (if that fails too, recycle the drive).
  • If the burn was successful the disc icon should appear on the desktop. Double click to open and make sure that 'Testfile9' is there. If so, the drive passes.
  • Eject the disc.

(2) Testing DVD playback

  • Grab a good DVD and insert it into the drive (you may have to check the back of the disc for scratches – if it is too scratched up the disc won't work).
  • If the drive recognizes the DVD it should automatically start playing. If not, go to 'Applications' → 'Sound & Video' → 'Movie Player'. Go to the 'Movie' menu and click on 'Play Disc'.
  • Watch the movie for a few minutes. If you notice any jerkiness in the picture/audio, or locking up, or if the DVD just won't play, then try another disc or recycle.
  • If the DVD plays fine, then the drive passes this test.
  • Eject the disc.

(3) Testing DVD-R writing Drives

//If you have a DVD-RW drive, follow the 'Testing CD-RW or DVD-RW Drives' section instead. This will save us some discs!

  • Insert a DVD-R disc into the drive. Wait for the disc to show up on the desktop. If it doesn't, try another disc. If no disc shows up, recycle the drive.
  • If the disc does show up, open Brasero and click on Data Project...'. Click 'Add' → 'Desktop' →'Test 1' (double click) → Testfile9 → 'Add' to add the test file to the data project.
  • Hit 'Burn'. This should open up a new window. First click 'Properties' and make sure all the boxes are checked (√). Hit 'Ok' then 'Burn'.
  • If the disc is full, recycle the disc and try a new one.
  • If the burn is successful a box will pop up and the disc will eject. In a few seconds the tray will close and be verified. A timer / progress bar should show up. If the burn is not verified within five minutes (5:00), or if you get any errors during the process, the burn failed. Try again with a new disc (if that fails too, recycle the drive).
  • If the burn was successful the disc icon should appear on the desktop. Double click to open and make sure that 'Testfile9' is there. If so, the drive passes.
  • Eject the disc.

(4) Testing audio playback

  • Grab an audio CD and insert it into the disc drive. “Rhythmbox music player” should start.
  • If Rhythmbox doesn't start go to 'Applications' → 'Sound & Video' → 'Rhythmbox Music Player'. When it opens look for the audio CD under 'Devices' on the left.
  • Click the play button to start the music. If it sounds OK then the drive passes. If not, try another disc or recycle the drive.
  • Exit Rhythmbox and eject the disc.