Staff hours tracking application

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As a result in changes to our workers comp insurance, paid staff will likely need to track their hours by job task on a daily basis. Each job will fall into one of (probably) four categories (still to be determined).

Tracking categories

Assuming we really do need to do this, an opportunity to track other things associated with job tasks. Here are the obvious things that would be useful to track:

Workers Comp Categories
As defined by our workers compensation provider. There might be four categories, including:
  1. Truck driving, or riding along. (This is self explanatory.)
  2. Office Work. (Administrative, non-production work done in a designated office area, meeting room, reception, or the classroom.)
  3. Recycling. (Work performed in an area that primarily involves handling anything not yet triaged into KEEP or RECYCLE, or already determined to be destined for recycling. This includes Receiving, Prebuild, Testing, and the Warehouse areas.)
  4. The default category. (Most production and sales, and anything not defined above.)
Program Categories
We use these to report program costs to the IRS each year, but they could also be used in grant writing in the future.
See Programs and Activities for current scheme of programs.
Production and Income Stream Categories
This would be categories that help us define what costs are associated with the production of something that's going for sale related income or for mission related disbursement.
The actual categories here remain to be defined and will likely require some experimentation and tweaking once a preliminary design has been laid out.


This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.

Relationship with scheduling application