Volunteer Internship Schedule

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Unpaid interns get into their positions through a process. For detailed job descriptions, see Free Geek's internship descriptions page, or check the Volunteer Internships category (link at bottom of this page) for a list of all the wikified descriptions.

System Evaluation

George Greene

  • Job Title: System Evaluation Intern
  • Duration: ??
  • Hours per week: 6-?
  • Schedule: Wed 11:30-2:30, Thu 11:30-2:30
  • Supervisor: Richard
  • Paperwork: None
  • Job Description: Prebuild Instructor

Kathie Gemmill

  • Job Title: System Evaluation Intern
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Hours per week: 40
  • Schedule: Tue 3-7, Wed 11-3, Fri 3-7, Sat 11-7
  • Supervisor: Richard
  • Paperwork: Through SMS
  • Job Description: Prebuild Instructor

Garrett Martinez

  • Job Title: System Evaluation Intern
  • Duration: ?
  • Hours per week: 8
  • Schedule: Tue 11-3
  • Supervisor: Richard
  • Paperwork: None
  • Job Description: Prebuild Instructor

Josh Wagner

  • Job Title: System Evaluation Intern
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Hours per week: 15
  • Schedule: Sat 11-4 ?
  • Supervisor: Richard
  • Paperwork: PCC Evaluation
  • Job description: Assist in pre-build

Beyoung Yu

  • Job Title: System Evaluation Intern
  • Duration: ?
  • Hours per week: 8
  • Schedule: Tue, Wed 11-3
  • Supervisor: Richard
  • Paperwork: ?
  • Job description: Assist in pre-build

Dan Cottle

  • Job Title: System Evaluation Intern
  • Duration: ?
  • Hours per week: 8
  • Schedule: Tue, Fri 3-7
  • Supervisor: Richard
  • Paperwork: ?
  • Job description: Assist in pre-build


Jacquelyn Wheeler

  • Job Title: Recycling Intern
  • Duration: school year
  • Hours per week: 12
  • Schedule: Tue 11-5, Thur 11-5
  • Supervisor: Darryl/Liane
  • Paperwork: time sheet, evaluation
  • Job description: assist in Recycling, training, disassembly, some warehouse related work
  • dates she won't be at FG:

Jonas Lamb

  • Job Title: Recycling Intern
  • Duration: no time frame
  • Hours per week: 8
  • Schedule: Tuesday 11-3, Wednesday 11-3
  • Supervisor: Liane/Darryl
  • Paperwork: none
  • Job description: Assist in recycling, supervise volunteers, wants to learn about material reclamation,


  • Job Title: Recycling Intern
  • Duration:
  • Hours per week:
  • Schedule:
  • Supervisor: Darryl
  • Job description: Assist in recycling, supervise volunteers

Hardware Donations

Advanced Testing

Ryan Cook

  • Job Title: Advanced Testing Intern
  • Duration: 3-6 months
  • Total Hours:
  • Schedule: Tues, Thurs, Fri 11-3
  • Supervisor: Dave
  • Paperwork: none
  • Job Description: testing hardware in advanced testing

Garrett Martinez

  • Job Title: Advanced Testing Intern
  • Duration: 3-6 months
  • Total Hours:
  • Schedule: Fri 11-3
  • Supervisor: Dave
  • Paperwork: none
  • Job Description: testing hardware in advanced testing


Russell Schoof

  • Job Title: Teaching Intern - Super Adopter
  • Duration: 3 months, starting April 10, 2009
  • Hours per Week: 3
  • Schedule: Every other Friday, 12:00-3:00
  • Supervisor: Laurel
  • Paperwork:none

Jackson Cafazzo

  • Job Title: Teaching Intern
  • Duration: November - ?
  • Hours per Week: 4
  • Schedule: Wednesdays 3-7
  • Supervisor: Laurel
  • Paperwork: none
  • Job Description: Instruction of Media Classes

John Rose

  • Job Title: Teaching Intern
  • Duration: 3-6 months, started mid March
  • Hours per week: unknown
  • Schedule: every-other-week Open Office classes
  • Supervisor: Laurel
  • Paperwork: None
  • Job description: teaching Open Office classes

Cory Troup

  • Job Title: Teaching Intern
  • Duration: 3-6 months, started April
  • Hours per week: n/a
  • Schedule: Wednesdays (one per month)
  • Supervisor: Laurel
  • Paperwork: None
  • Job description: teaching email and internet classes

Adoption Teaching

Wayne Flower

  • Job Title: Adoption Teaching Intern
  • Duration: November - ?
  • Hours per week: 7
  • Schedule: Thursdays 3:30-6:30, Saturdays 2:30-6:30
  • Supervisor: Laurel
  • Paperwork: None
  • Job description: teaching beginner and advanced adoption classes

Tech Support

Steven Lochner

  • Job Title: Tech Support Intern
  • Duration: 3 months, start date: April
  • Hours per Week: 9
  • Schedule: Tues/Wed 2-6:30pm
  • Supervisor: Michael
  • Paperwork: none
  • Job Description: assist in tech support

Barbara Adamski

  • Job Title: Tech Support Intern
  • Duration: 3 months, start date: February
  • Hours per Week: 20
  • Schedule: Wed, Sat. 11-7
  • Supervisor: Michael
  • Paperwork: through SMS
  • Job Description:

Levi Scott - Tech Support

  • Job Title: Tech Support Intern
  • Duration:
  • Hours per Week: 6-7
  • Schedule: 3-6 pm Tuesday and Friday
  • Supervisor: Michael
  • Paperwork:
  • Job Description: Tech Support on Tuesday and Friday

Joe Sapienza

  • Job Title: Tech Support Intern
  • Duration:
  • Hours per Week:
  • Schedule:
  • Supervisor: Michael
  • Paperwork:
  • Job Description: Tech Support/Teaching


John Bruce - Printers

  • Job Title: Printers Intern
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Hours per week: 20
  • Schedule: Tues through Sat, 11:30-3:30
  • Supervisor: Ian
  • Paperwork: SMS
  • Job Description: Printers Program assistance

Office Support

Joaquin Sedano

  • Job Title: Front Desk Intern
  • Duration: 6 weeks
  • Begins: 12/15/2009
  • Ends: 01/19/2010?
  • Hours per week: 32
  • Schedule: get from Laurel
  • Supervisor: Mary Kate/Laurel

Job Corps Supervisor: Sarah

  • Paperwork: Job Corps paperwork & assessment
  • Job description: Run donor & volunteer desk & give tours (in training)

Beth Lewis

  • Job Title: Front Desk Intern
  • Duration: undetermined
  • Begins: 11.12.09
  • Ends: undetermined, March or May 2010
  • Hours per week: 8+
  • Schedule: changes weekly based on paid work schedule, likely Fridays +
  • Supervisor: Mary Kate
  • Paperwork: none, maintaining/growing receptionist skills
  • Job description: Run donor & volunteer desk & give tours (in training)

Ezra Fink

  • Job Title: Front Desk Intern
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Begins: new start date August 7th on Front Desk
  • Ends: February 7th, 2010
  • Hours per week: 21.5
  • Schedule: 2-5:30 Tues, 2-7 Wed & Sat, 10:30 - 2:30 Thurs & Fri
  • Supervisor: Mary Kate
  • Paperwork: letter of recommendation
  • Job description: Runs donor desk & volunteer desk, gives tours

Owen Walz

  • Job Title: Front Desk & PR Support Intern
  • Duration: 3-6 months
  • Begins: June 13, 2009
  • Ends: check in Sept. 13, 2009 with possible extension
  • Hours per week: 8
  • Schedule: Wed 10:30-2:30 PM, Thurs 2-7 PM
  • Supervisor: Mary Kate
  • Paperwork: community involvement & office experience
  • Job description: Runs volunteer desk & donor desk & supports PR graphic design projects during FD down time (i.e. Owen can work on PR stuff at front desk), gives tours
  • Notes: checked in on 10.29.09. Changed schedule to 2 days per week. Owen will pursue interests in Grants & Teaching. Next check-in 11.18.09.

Tamara Bently

  • Job Title: Front Desk Intern
  • Duration: 3-6 months
  • Begins: February 2, 2009
  • Ends: August 2, 2009
  • Hours per week: 20
  • Schedule: Tues-Sat 10:30am-2:30pm
  • Supervisor: Mary Kate
  • Paperwork: through SMS
  • Job description: Runs volunteer desk & supports donation desk.

Dawniris Eversz

  • Job Title: Office Support Intern
  • Duration: 3-6 months
  • Begins: late Sept 2009
  • Ends: ??
  • Hours per week: 10
  • Schedule: approx 5 hours each Tues & Fri
  • Supervisor: Mary Kate
  • Paperwork: college credit, sign time sheet
  • Job description: Filing, organizing, creating documentation, data entry

Thrift Store

Jesse Crawford

  • Job Title: Store Intern
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Hours per week: 8
  • Schedule: Tue, Wed 3-7
  • Supervisor: Luiz, Tony
  • Paperwork: None

Eric Klotter

  • Job Title: Store Intern
  • Scedule: 11-3 Tues, Weds, Thursday
  • 3 months
  • Supervisor: Tony and Luiz
  • Paperwork: None


Regular Program Volunteer Interns

  • These interns are folks who need paperwork for school, but are going through our regular programs. A minimum of 40 hours is required before we will complete an evaluation of their work.