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Laptop Build Flow Chart

Build Checklist

Work through every step as well as you can, and ask if you have questions. Try and learn the reason for each of the steps: this knowledge will come in handy later when, inevitably, things aren't going as smoothly. Your instructor will be able to answer questions and check your work. Never overlook the help that the builder to your right or left might be able to lend. You can also find information on the Free Geek wiki by going to Check with your instructor to find out what type of box to build, then work your way down this flow chart.

This is a graph with borders and nodes. Maybe there is an Imagemap used so the nodes may be linking to some Pages.

Memtest Notes

Memtest is a useful tool found on many boot disks. Besides testing memory, it provides us a quick way to find processor and memory info. Memtest is available on ebmulti floppies, ubuntu (or other debian based) live cds, and our netboot server.