Advanced Testing Coordinator

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Revision as of 17:31, 21 July 2009 by Laurel (talk | contribs) (updated)
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  • Work, and teach volunteers to work, in most areas at Free Geek. This may include spending time receiving computer donations, covering recycling, teaching basic computer skills, teaching basic computer hardware identification, and covering the front desk and thrift store, and advanced testing.
  • Sort, test, recycle and data-wipe cell phones for reuse.
  • Actively identify operational problems and work with staff members, volunteer supervisors, and core volunteers to create and enact solutions
  • Document as necessary, which will be often
  • Proactively communicate issues as they arise
  • Communicate with Sophia about garbage and recycling program
  • Sort lockbox from receiving - some is recycled, some goes to Tom's box, some are cell phones
  • Advocate for the Thrift Store while working in other areas to make sure the store gets the stuff it needs


  • at least 24 hrs/week


  • This is a committed position wherein Elizabeth commits to working for one year and Free Geek offers health benefits and a week of paid vacation to her. Started July 1st, 2009.