Laptop Instructor Responsibilities

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Revision as of 11:03, 5 February 2010 by Manseau (talk | contribs)
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Stuff that Laptop instructors are responsible for.

Keep FG PDX numbers separate as indicated on the sheet. Supervisors keep track of the number of recycled FG-PDX systems and enter them into FGDB.
Prepare junk batteries for [[1]]
Sort incoming laptops & accessories(make sure that lappies to get recycled are going on the bottom shelf of cart)
Sort Memory
Sort Power Supplies -
Sort Wireless Cards -
Stock: Laptop EVAL, Laptop BUILD, & QC sheets
Stock labels (Keeper, Login, As-Is, HDD Removed, etc.)
Image hard drives (stock up wiped ones if necessary)
When class is over:
  • make sure that the tables are clear
  • lock up cart